Speech communication
  • 1. Speech communication refers to the process of exchanging information through spoken words. This form of communication involves the encoding and decoding of messages using language and vocal sounds. Effective speech communication involves not only the clear articulation of words but also the use of tone, pitch, volume, and pace to convey meaning and emotion. It is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, enabling individuals to express thoughts, share ideas, and connect with others on a personal and professional level. Speech communication plays a vital role in various contexts, including public speaking, interpersonal relationships, mass media, education, and business communication.

    What term refers to how information is exchanged and understood between people?
A) Communication process
B) Encoding
C) Feedback loop
D) Decoding
  • 2. In a speech, what is the function of the introduction?
A) To provide sources
B) To ask questions
C) To grab the audience's attention and preview the main points
D) To conclude the speech
  • 3. What is the term for the process of putting thoughts into spoken words?
A) Encoding
B) Interpreting
C) Feedback
D) Decoding
  • 4. What is the term for the process of interpreting a message?
A) Feedback
B) Encoding
C) Decoding
D) Message
  • 5. What is the best way to overcome stage fright before a speech?
A) Avoiding eye contact
B) Practice and preparation
C) Rushing through the speech
D) Not rehearsing
  • 6. What term describes the audience's response during or after a speech?
A) Encoding
B) Decoding
C) Feedback
D) Noise
  • 7. Which type of speech aims to change the audience's attitudes or behaviors?
A) Demonstrative speech
B) Informative speech
C) Entertainment speech
D) Persuasive speech
  • 8. What is the term for the tendency to select what we see and hear based on our interests?
A) Interpreting
B) Selective perception
C) Active listening
D) Echoing
  • 9. What term refers to the various forms of communication, such as verbal, written, and visual?
A) Noise
B) Multimodal communication
C) Paralanguage
D) Feedback loop
  • 10. Which of the following is an example of a vocal filler to avoid in public speaking?
A) Pacing
B) Engagement
C) Um
D) Clarity
  • 11. Which of the following is a common aspect of effective verbal communication?
A) Ambiguity
B) Jargon
C) Mumbling
D) Clarity
  • 12. In a speech, what function does the conclusion serve?
A) To introduce the topic
B) To summarize main points and leave a lasting impression
C) To engage the audience
D) To ask questions
  • 13. What is a common type of speech organization?
A) Chronological
B) Random
C) Alphabetical
D) Disorganized
  • 14. What term describes the practice of making eye contact with various members of the audience during a speech?
A) Glancing
B) Avoiding
C) Staring
D) Scanning
  • 15. What is a common fear associated with public speaking?
A) Euphoria
B) Glossophobia
C) Clarity
D) Confidence
  • 16. Which visual aid can help enhance a speech presentation?
A) Chairs
B) Mirrors
C) Curtains
D) Slides
  • 17. What is the term for the physical or emotional barriers that may affect communication?
A) Silence
B) Noise
C) Clarity
D) Engagement
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