Population geography
  • 1. Population geography is a sub-field of human geography that focuses on the study of the distribution, composition, density, and growth of human populations on the Earth's surface. It examines patterns and trends related to population size, structure, and dynamics, as well as the factors influencing these patterns such as migration, fertility, mortality, and urbanization. Population geography also explores the social, economic, political, and environmental impacts of population change at local, regional, and global scales. Researchers in this field use a variety of methods and tools, including demographic analysis, spatial analysis, and geographic information systems, to investigate how populations are distributed geographically and the implications of these patterns for society and the environment.

    What is the term for the movement of people from rural areas to cities?
A) Migration
B) Emigration
C) Suburbanization
D) Urbanization
  • 2. Which country has a declining population due to low birth rates and emigration?
A) Brazil
B) India
C) Japan
D) Nigeria
  • 3. What is a 'megacity'?
A) A city with strict population control
B) A sustainable city
C) A city with a population over 10 million
D) A city with high crime rates
  • 4. What is 'dependency ratio' in population geography?
A) The ratio of males to females in a population
B) The ratio of urban to rural population
C) The ratio of non-working age population to the working-age population
D) The ratio of immigrants to emigrants in a country
  • 5. What is 'population distribution'?
A) The age distribution of a population
B) The movement of people across borders
C) The arrangement of people in an area
D) The change in population over time
  • 6. Which continent is expected to see the highest population growth in the coming decades?
A) North America
B) Europe
C) Africa
D) Australia
  • 7. What is 'overpopulation'?
A) When the number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life
B) A slight increase in population
C) When a country reaches its carrying capacity
D) An optimal population size for economic growth
  • 8. What is 'population projection'?
A) Rapid population growth due to migration
B) A sudden increase in population density
C) The shift of population between rural and urban areas
D) Estimates of future population size, age, and composition based on current data
  • 9. Which country has one of the lowest population densities in the world?
A) Singapore
B) Netherlands
C) Mongolia
D) Bangladesh
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