First known villages on present day site of Rome
  • 1. In which century BC was the Tiber Island settlement established?
A) 6th century BC
B) 3rd century BC
C) 8th century BC
D) 5th century BC
  • 2. Who were the legendary twins associated with the founding of Rome?
A) Romulus and Remus
B) Mars and Venus
C) Hercules and Cacus
D) Aeneas and Ascanius
  • 3. Which hill in Rome is traditionally believed to be the location where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf?
A) Esquiline Hill
B) Palatine Hill
C) Capitoline Hill
D) Caelian Hill
  • 4. Which legendary figure was said to have killed his brother Remus in a dispute over the founding of Rome?
A) Romulus
B) Hercules
C) Aeneas
D) Tarquin the Proud
  • 5. Which hill was the geographical center of Rome where important religious and political activities took place?
A) Capitoline Hill
B) Quirinal Hill
C) Palatine Hill
D) Aventine Hill
  • 6. Who was the last Etruscan king of Rome before the establishment of the Roman Republic?
A) Lucius Junius Brutus
B) Numa Pompilius
C) Servius Tullius
D) Tarquin the Proud
  • 7. Who was responsible for the construction of the Servian Wall, an important defensive structure in ancient Rome?
A) Mark Antony
B) Julius Caesar
C) Augustus
D) Servius Tullius
  • 8. Which Roman king was known for his good relations with the Roman Senate and the establishment of the Roman calendar?
A) Tarquin the Proud
B) Romulus
C) Servius Tullius
D) Numa Pompilius
  • 9. What title was given to the highest political office in ancient Rome, occupied by two elected officials at a time?
A) Consul
B) Aedile
C) Tribune
D) Dictator
  • 10. What was the name of the earliest known Roman law code, traditionally ascribed to Romulus?
A) Napoleonic Code
B) Justinian Code
C) Code of Hammurabi
D) Twelve Tables
  • 11. Who was the Roman leader who famously crossed the Rubicon River with his army, leading to a civil war and the end of the Roman Republic?
A) Pompey the Great
B) Julius Caesar
C) Octavian
D) Mark Antony
  • 12. What was the name of the governing body of ancient Rome, comprising mainly of wealthy and influential citizens?
A) Senate
B) College
C) Tribunal
D) Assembly
  • 13. In which year did the Roman Republic officially transition into the Roman Empire with the establishment of Augustus as the first emperor?
A) 14 AD
B) 27 BC
C) 31 BC
D) 44 BC
  • 14. Which Roman emperor was known for building a colossal amphitheater known as the Colosseum?
A) Nero
B) Vespasian
C) Caligula
D) Augustus
  • 15. Which volcano erupted near Rome in 79 AD, causing destruction and burying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum?
A) Mount Etna
B) Mount Olympus
C) Mount Vesuvius
D) Mount Stromboli
  • 16. Which group of people were likely the first to settle in the area of Rome?
A) Greeks
B) Latins
C) Etruscans
D) Gauls
  • 17. What was the name of the she-wolf in Roman mythology who was said to have nursed the legendary twin brothers Romulus and Remus?
A) Lupa
B) Canis
C) Lycida
D) Venatrix
  • 18. What architectural feature, linked to the founding of Rome, did Romulus allegedly invite men to build?
A) Bridges
B) Temples
C) Aqueducts
D) City walls
  • 19. Which river runs by the city of Rome and was a key factor in its early development?
A) Po
B) Tiber
C) Arno
D) Aniene
  • 20. What name did Romulus give to the new city he founded on the site of Rome?
A) Latium
B) Roma
C) Aurelia
D) Vatican
  • 21. What was the primary economic activity of the early inhabitants of Rome?
A) Agriculture
B) Mining
C) Fishing
D) Trading
  • 22. Who was the legendary king of Alba Longa, said to be the grandfather of Romulus and Remus?
A) Tarquinius
B) Amulius
C) Numitor
D) Laelius
  • 23. Which goddess was considered the protector of the city of Rome and its people?
A) Venus
B) Minerva
C) Diana
D) Juno
  • 24. What was the name of the religious festival held by the Romans in honor of the god Mars, believed to have been established by Romulus himself?
A) Equirria
B) Secular Games
C) Lupercalia
D) Ludi Megalenses
  • 25. In Roman mythology, what was the name of the deity associated with boundaries and who was often invoked during the founding of settlements like Rome?
A) Terminus
B) Janus
C) Consus
D) Faunus
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