Vasa Ship
  • 1. The Vasa ship is a well-preserved historical artifact that was built in the early 17th century. It was a Swedish warship commissioned by King Gustavus Adolphus and was meant to be a symbol of power and prestige. However, the ship tragically sank on its maiden voyage in 1628 due to structural issues and being unbalanced by the weight of its cannons. After over 300 years underwater, the Vasa was salvaged in the 20th century and now stands as a popular tourist attraction in Stockholm. It provides valuable insights into shipbuilding techniques, naval warfare, and life at sea during the time of the Swedish Empire.

    When was the Vasa ship built?
A) 1901
B) 1628
C) 1492
D) 1789
  • 2. Which country built the Vasa ship?
A) England
B) Spain
C) Sweden
D) France
  • 3. In which city was the Vasa ship built?
A) Stockholm
B) Helsinki
C) Copenhagen
D) Oslo
  • 4. What was the Vasa ship's intended role?
A) Warship
B) Fishing boat
C) Exploration vessel
D) Merchant vessel
  • 5. How long did it take to salvage the Vasa ship from the seabed?
A) 100 years
B) 200 years
C) 50 years
D) 333 years
  • 6. What material was the Vasa ship primarily made of?
A) Pine
B) Oak
C) Mahogany
D) Birch
  • 7. Which Swedish king commissioned the building of the Vasa ship?
A) Eric XIV
B) Gustav I
C) Charles XII
D) Gustavus Adolphus
  • 8. Where is the Vasa ship currently located?
A) Vasa Museum, Stockholm
B) British Museum, London
C) Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC
D) The Louvre, Paris
  • 9. How many masts did the Vasa ship have?
A) Three
B) Two
C) Five
D) Four
  • 10. Which year was the Vasa ship raised from the seabed?
A) 1945
B) 1888
C) 2000
D) 1961
  • 11. How deep was the Vasa ship located underwater?
A) 32 meters
B) 50 meters
C) 40 meters
D) 20 meters
  • 12. What was the Vasa ship's figurehead depicting?
A) Dragon
B) Mermaid
C) Eagle
D) Lion
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