Nikephoros III Botaneiates
  • 1. What was Nikephoros III Botaneiates' occupation before becoming Emperor?
A) Priest
B) General
C) Poet
D) Merchant
  • 2. Which empire did Nikephoros III Botaneiates rule over?
A) Persian Empire
B) Ottoman Empire
C) Roman Empire
D) Byzantine Empire
  • 3. For how long did Nikephoros III Botaneiates rule as Emperor?
A) 10 years
B) 3 years
C) 20 years
D) 1 year
  • 4. Who dethroned Nikephoros III Botaneiates?
A) Romanos IV Diogenes
B) Alexios I Komnenos
C) Constantine IX Monomachos
D) Basil II
  • 5. What was the final fate of Nikephoros III Botaneiates after being dethroned?
A) House Arrest
B) Monastery
C) Death
D) Exile
  • 6. Which city served as the capital during Nikephoros III Botaneiates' rule?
A) Nicea
B) Athens
C) Constantinople
D) Syracuse
  • 7. During which century did Nikephoros III Botaneiates rule as Emperor?
A) 12th
B) 9th
C) 10th
D) 11th
  • 8. What was the subject of Nikephoros III Botaneiates' major reforms?
A) Culture
B) Economy
C) Religion
D) Military
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