- 1. God’s Covenant with Abram, also known as the Abrahamic Covenant, is a profound and foundational promise made by God to Abram, who would later be called Abraham, as recorded in the book of Genesis in the Bible. This covenant signifies God's commitment to establish a unique relationship with Abram and his descendants, promising to make him the father of a great nation, which would ultimately be Israel. The covenant includes several key components: God promises Abram a land, which is specified as Canaan, a promise of numerous descendants that would outnumber the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore, and the assurance that through Abram, all the nations of the earth would be blessed. This covenant is marked by significant rituals, including the cutting of animals, symbolizing the seriousness of the commitment, and the changing of Abram’s name to Abraham, indicating his new identity and purpose. God also establishes a sign of this covenant, the rite of circumcision, as a physical reminder of their special relationship. The promise of the covenant highlights themes of faith, obedience, and divine promise, as Abraham's willingness to trust in God's words despite the seeming impossibility of the circumstances serves as a model of faith for believers. This covenant lays the groundwork for the unfolding narrative of the Israelites and their relationship with God throughout the entire biblical story.
What promise did God make to Abram?
A) To make him a king B) To make him a great nation C) To give him wealth D) To grant him wisdom
- 2. Which land did God promise to Abram?
A) Assyria B) Canaan C) Egypt D) Babylon
- 3. What sign did God give as a covenant with Abram?
A) Tithing B) Circumcision C) Feast of Passover D) Baptism
- 4. Who were Abram's sons?
A) Isaac and Jacob B) Jacob and Joseph C) Ishmael and Isaac D) Isaac and Esau
- 5. What was the plight of Abram's wife, Sarai, in relation to having children?
A) She had too many children B) She was elderly C) She was barren D) She was in a different country
- 6. Who was the king that blessed Abram?
A) Abimelech B) Saul C) Melchizedek D) Pharaoh
- 7. What age was Abram when God first made a covenant with him?
A) 60 years old B) 100 years old C) 90 years old D) 75 years old
- 8. Which covenant signified God's promise to never flood the earth again?
A) Sacrificial lamb B) Rainbow C) Circumcision D) Redemptive sacrifice
- 9. What was the name of Sarai's Egyptian maid?
A) Zilpah B) Leah C) Hagar D) Bilhah
- 10. Who was Abram's first son?
A) Ishmael B) Jacob C) Isaac D) Edom
- 11. What was God's promise about Abram's descendants?
A) They would inherit gold B) They would be skilled warriors C) They would be as numerous as the stars D) They would rule all nations
- 12. Which chapter does God first call Abram?
A) Genesis 10 B) Genesis 12 C) Genesis 20 D) Genesis 15
- 13. At what age did Abram change his name to Abraham?
A) 90 years old B) 75 years old C) 100 years old D) 99 years old
- 14. What did God require as part of the covenant with Abraham?
A) Circumcision of every male B) Building an altar C) Offerings of grain D) Sabbath observance
- 15. What city did Abraham's father, Terach, worship idols?
A) Egypt B) Assyria C) Ur D) Canaan
A) Ishmael B) Esau C) Isaac D) Jacob
- 17. What does 'Abram' mean?
A) Leader of nations B) Faithful servant C) Exalted father D) Noble warrior
- 18. What is the significance of the name change from Abram to Abraham?
A) Servant of God B) Ruler of tribes C) Father of many nations D) King of Canaan
- 19. What age was Abraham when Isaac was born?
A) 100 years old B) 90 years old C) 80 years old D) 110 years old
- 20. What animal did Abram sacrifice to establish the covenant?
A) A heifer B) A goat C) A dove D) A lamb
- 21. What name was Abram changed to?
A) Moses B) Jacob C) Abraham D) Isaac
- 22. How many times did God reaffirm His covenant with Abram?
A) Once B) Multiple times C) Twice D) Never
- 23. Who was Abram's wife?
A) Leah B) Hagar C) Rebekah D) Sarai
- 24. What city did God later want to destroy due to its wickedness, associated with Abram?
A) Bethel B) Sodom C) Gomorrah D) Jericho
- 25. What covenant did God make with Abram concerning the land?
A) Riches for him B) A throne for his lineage C) A temple to build D) Land for his descendants
- 26. Who was Abram's nephew?
A) Lot B) Jacob C) Isaac D) Ishmael
- 27. What was the new name of Sarai after God's revelation?
A) Leah B) Hagar C) Sarah D) Rebekah
- 28. What city did Abram encounter on his way to Canaan?
A) Jericho B) Gibeon C) Bethlehem D) Shechem
- 29. What was one of the names God referred to Himself in the covenant?
A) El Shaddai B) Yahweh C) Jehovah Jireh D) Adonai
- 30. How many kings did Abram defeat to rescue Lot?
A) Four kings B) Five kings C) Three kings D) Two kings
- 31. What was the covenant ceremony involving animals?
A) Burying them B) Offering them peacefully C) Burning them whole D) Cutting them in two
- 32. Who visited Abram and foretold the birth of Isaac?
A) Three angels B) Two prophets C) The Holy Spirit D) Three kings
- 33. Who was Isaac's wife?
A) Sarai B) Leah C) Rachel D) Rebekah
- 34. Which act showed Abram's faith when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac?
A) Rebellion B) Ingratitude C) Doubt D) Obedience