The Irrawaddy Dolphin
  • 1. What is the scientific name of the Irrawaddy dolphin?
A) Tursiops truncatus
B) Delphinus delphis
C) Orcaella brevirostris
D) Grampus griseus
  • 2. How does the Irrawaddy dolphin typically communicate?
A) Clicks and whistles
B) By echolocation only
C) Using body language only
D) Through visual signals
  • 3. What is the IUCN conservation status of the Irrawaddy dolphin?
A) Vulnerable
B) Least Concern
C) Endangered
D) Critically Endangered
  • 4. What is the diet of the Irrawaddy dolphin mainly composed of?
A) Sharks
B) Plankton
C) Fish and crustaceans
D) Seaweeds
  • 5. How do Irrawaddy dolphins often behave when surfacing?
A) They glide on the surface.
B) They stay submerged for long periods.
C) They often exhibit a unique rolling motion.
D) They jump high out of the water.
  • 6. What distinguishes Irrawaddy dolphins from other dolphin species?
A) Their rounded forehead and lack of beak.
B) Their size and weight.
C) Their large dorsal fin.
D) Their strong jump ability.
  • 7. Which of the following is a conservation effort for Irrawaddy dolphins?
A) Establishing protected areas.
B) Increased fishing quotas.
C) Banning all types of fishing.
D) Reducing marine traffic.
  • 8. What kind of waters are seen as critical for Irrawaddy dolphin conservation?
A) Deep ocean waters.
B) Shallow freshwater and brackish waters.
C) Cold Arctic waters.
D) High salinity waters.
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