Cellular Respiration Test LaPrad
  • 1. Animals/humans go through this process in order to survive
A) photosynthesis
B) cellular respiration
C) lysis
D) electrolysis
  • 2. NADPH is a form of chemical ___
A) energy
B) carbohydrates
C) sugar
D) all of these
  • 3. NADP "carries" ____
A) electrons
B) water
C) nitrogen
D) protons
  • 4. ATP stands for ____
A) Amino triphosphate
B) Amino diphosphate
C) Adenosine Triphosphate
D) Adenosine Triproton
  • 5. Name this image
A) all of these
  • 6. What is this entire image called?
A) Krebs Cycle
B) mitochondria
C) chlorophyll
D) chloroplast
  • 7. What type of organisms go through this process?
A) plants
B) all bacteria
C) animals
D) all of these
  • 8. What PROCESS is shown in this image?
A) digestion
B) photosynthesis
C) cell lysis
D) cellular respiration
  • 9. What is letter A?
A) oxygen
B) sugar
C) water
D) sunlight
  • 10. Letter F is a stack of ___
A) outer membranes
B) stroma
C) thylakoids
D) mitochondria
  • 11. In this image, what element does the letter P stand for?
A) protons
B) phosphorus
C) oxygen
D) potassium
  • 12. The blue shapes reperesent ___
A) amino acids
B) lipids
C) sugars
D) proteins
  • 13. The red shape represents ____
A) lipids
B) protein
C) amino acid
D) sugar
  • 14. How is ADP "Made"?
A) ATP gains a phosphate
B) ATP loses one nitrogen
C) ATP loses a phosphate
D) ATP gains one nitrogen
  • 15. What does the yellow "starburst" represent?
A) sunlight
B) energy
C) CO2
D) O2
  • 16. What are the reactants in photosynthesis?
A) carbon dioxide and glucose
B) water and oxygen
C) sugar and oxygen
D) carbon dioxide and water
  • 17. What are the products in photosynthesis?
A) carbon dioxide and glucose
B) sugar and oxygen
C) carbon dioxide and water
D) water and oxygen
  • 18. -synthesis means _____
A) to divide
B) to destroy
C) to create or make
D) to multiply
  • 19. The arrow symbol ----> in a chemical reaction or equation means_____
A) equals
B) takes away
C) yields
D) turns into
  • 20. This molecule will always be in the ratio of 1:2:1
A) sugars
C) proteins
D) lipids
  • 21. What is the chemical formula for glucose?
A) H20
B) C12H6O12
C) C6H12O6
D) CO2
  • 22. CO2 is the chemical formula for __
A) carbon monoxide
B) carbon dioxide
C) two of these
D) Calcium Oxide
  • 23. At the end of electron transport, _____ ATPs are produced
A) 18
B) 36
C) 22
D) 12
  • 24. What is the fluid filled SPACE in the chloroplast called?
A) inner membrane
B) stroma
C) thylakoids
D) granum
  • 25. Where does glycolysis occur?
A) in the Golgi
B) In the rough ER
C) in the mitochondria
D) in the cytoplasm
  • 26. What is letter B in this image?
A) sugar
B) water
C) oxygen
D) carbon dioxide
  • 27. What is letter C?
A) O2
B) CO2
C) H2O
D) glucose
  • 28. What is letter K?
A) oxygen
B) glucose
C) water
D) CO2
  • 29. What is letter L?
A) sugar
B) O2
C) carbon dioxide
D) H2O
  • 30. What is happening at letter G ?
A) Water Cycle
B) Krebs Cycle
C) Nitrogen Cycle
D) Calvin Cycle
  • 31. The Calvin Cycle is also called the _____
A) Krebs Cycle
B) Water Cycle
C) light independent reactions
D) light dependent reactions
  • 32. Define Cellular Respiration: a process that uses ____
A) oxygen to break down glucose to get energy for the cell
B) Carbon Dioxide to break down sugar to get energy
C) all of these
D) oxygen to create water to get energy for the cell
  • 33. What are the NET gains at the end of glycolysis?
A) 2 ATPS and 2 glucoses
B) 36 pyruvates, 36 ATPS, 36 NAPHs
C) 2 pyruvates, 2 NADPHs and 2 ATPs
D) 2 glucoses, 2 ATPS and 2 NADPs
  • 34. This is called the "energy currency" for cells
D) sucrose
  • 35. -ose means ___
A) proteins
B) sugar
C) amino acids
D) enzymes
  • 36. Which of these is a "simple sugar"?
A) enzymes
B) polysaccharide
C) glucose
D) starch
  • 37. The Krebs Cycle takes place in the ________
A) Golgi
B) cytoplasm
C) mitochondria
D) stroma
  • 38. In what process does this image occur?
A) Water Cycle
B) glycolysis
C) Krebs Cycle
  • 39. What is this the chemical equation for?
A) digestion
B) cellular respiration
C) lactic acid
D) photosynthesis
  • 40. What is this the chemical equation for?
A) muscle atrophy
B) digestion
C) cellular respiration
D) photosynthesis
  • 41. The pigment in plants that gives them their color
A) chloroplasts
B) stroma
C) thylakoids
D) chlorophyll
  • 42. Where is a plant's pigment located?
A) in the mitochondria
B) in the stroma
C) in the thylakoids
D) in the inner membrane of a chloroplast
  • 43. T or F The Dark Reactions in photosynthesis occur when it is nighttime .
A) False
B) True
  • 44. The Calvin Cycle is also known as the _____
A) lysis
B) light reactions
C) apostosis
D) dark reactions
  • 45. Where light energy is transformed into ATP
A) Nitrogen Cycle
B) light independent reactions
C) dark reactions
D) light dependent reactions
  • 46. What is the relationship between these two equations
A) the reactants are the same in both
B) they are mirror images of each other
C) the products are the same in both
D) none of these
  • 47. the process of particles spreading out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
A) digestion
B) photosynthesis
C) diffusion
D) cellular respiration
  • 48. movement of water across a semipermeable membrane
A) diffusion
B) photosynthesis
C) cellular respiration
D) osmosis
  • 49. movement of molecules from a low concentration to a higher concentration
A) passive transport
B) osmosis
C) active transport
D) synthesis
  • 50. a type of passive transport that moves molecules across a cell membrane using proteins.
A) simple diffusion
B) facilitated diffusion
C) osmosis
D) active transport
  • 51. The type of cell transport that requires energy
A) all of these
B) passive transport
C) active transport
D) osmosis
  • 52. What are the reddish-pink ovals shown in this image?
A) proteins
B) lipids
C) water
D) carbohydrates
  • 53. What is this overall structure called?
A) Golgi Bodies
B) cell membrane
C) mitochondria
D) chloroplast
  • 54. The left side of this image shows ______
A) active transport
B) osmosis
C) lysis
D) passive transport
  • 55. The right side of this image shows ____
A) digestion
B) passive transport
C) respiration
D) active transport
  • 56. The small black/gray circles with "tails" represent ___
A) mitochondria
B) smooth ER
C) Rough ER
D) phospholipids
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