  • 1. Which continent is the house mouse believed to have originated from?
A) Africa
B) Europe
C) Asia
D) Australia
  • 2. What is a group of mice called?
A) Flock
B) Pack
C) Mischief
D) Herd
  • 3. How many babies can a female mouse typically have in one litter?
A) Over 25
B) 13-20
C) 1-3
D) 5-12
  • 4. What is the scientific name for the house mouse?
A) Oryctolagus cuniculus
B) Cavia porcellus
C) Mus musculus
D) Rattus norvegicus
  • 5. What type of animal is a mouse classified as?
A) Primate
B) Carnivore
C) Marsupial
D) Rodent
  • 6. What is the primary diet of a wild mouse?
A) Nectar
B) Seeds and grains
C) Insects
D) Fish
  • 7. Which of the following diseases can be transmitted by mice to humans?
A) Malaria
B) Dengue fever
C) Tuberculosis
D) Hantavirus
  • 8. What is the primary predators of mice in the wild?
A) Wolves
B) Eagles
C) Owls
D) Lions
  • 9. What do mice use to mark their territory and communicate with other mice?
A) Vocalizations
B) Shedding fur
C) Urine
D) Scent glands on their tails
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