  • 1. Appetite refers to the desire or natural inclination to eat food and satisfy hunger. It is controlled by complex processes in the body that involve hormones, the brain, and various sensory cues. Appetite can vary greatly from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as metabolism, emotions, and social environment. Understanding and managing appetite is important for maintaining a healthy diet and overall well-being.

    Which hormone is responsible for regulating appetite?
A) Estrogen
B) Testosterone
C) Insulin
D) Leptin
  • 2. What effect does stress have on appetite?
A) Always decreases
B) No effect
C) Can increase or decrease
D) Always increases
  • 3. Which nutrient is known to help regulate appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness?
A) Salt
B) Fat
C) Sugar
D) Fiber
  • 4. What is the name of the hormone that stimulates appetite?
A) Ghrelin
B) Cortisol
C) Melatonin
D) Serotonin
  • 5. How does physical activity generally affect appetite?
A) No effect
B) Can reduce appetite
C) Temporary suppression
D) Always increases appetite
  • 6. What is the term used to describe a lack of appetite?
A) Anorexia
B) Bulimia
C) Obesity
D) Indigestion
  • 7. What meal component is often linked to increased satiety and reduced overall appetite?
A) Sugars
B) Artificial sweeteners
C) Protein
D) Processed carbs
  • 8. In what way can inadequate sleep impact appetite?
A) Can increase appetite
B) Always decreases appetite
C) Reduces sense of taste
D) No effect
  • 9. What psychological factor can lead to changes in appetite?
A) Stress
B) Laughter
C) Peace
D) Contentment
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