Becquerel discovers radioactivity
  • 1. Who discovered radioactivity?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Marie Curie
C) Henri Becquerel
D) Albert Einstein
  • 2. What element did Henri Becquerel use in his experiments on radioactivity?
A) Silver
B) Copper
C) Uranium
D) Gold
  • 3. What is the SI unit of radioactivity named after Henri Becquerel?
A) Sievert (Sv)
B) Becquerel (Bq)
C) Gray (Gy)
D) Curie (Ci)
  • 4. What branch of science studies radioactivity?
A) Botany
B) Astronomy
C) Nuclear physics
D) Zoology
  • 5. What is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation called?
A) Fission
B) Radioactive decay
C) Fusion
D) Transmutation
  • 6. Who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Becquerel and Marie Curie for their work on radioactivity?
A) Richard Feynman
B) Max Planck
C) Pierre Curie
D) Ernest Rutherford
  • 7. What is the unit of measurement used to quantify the biological effects of ionizing radiation on humans?
A) Hertz (Hz)
B) Curie (Ci)
C) Tesla (T)
D) Sievert (Sv)
  • 8. The discovery of radioactivity led to the development of:
A) Plastic surgery
B) Agricultural fertilizers
C) Telecommunications
D) Nuclear power
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