Sleep medicine
  • 1. Sleep medicine is a medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. These disorders can range from insomnia and sleep apnea to narcolepsy and restless leg syndrome. Sleep medicine specialists work to improve the quality and duration of sleep for their patients, which can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. By conducting sleep studies, using various diagnostic tools, and prescribing appropriate treatments such as behavioral therapy, medications, or devices like CPAP machines, sleep medicine professionals help individuals achieve a better night's rest and ultimately enhance their overall quality of life.

    What is the term for the inability to fall or stay asleep?
A) Insomnia
B) Restless legs syndrome
C) Sleep apnea
D) Narcolepsy
  • 2. Which of the following is a common sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep?
A) Insomnia
B) Sleep apnea
C) Night terrors
D) Parasomnia
  • 3. What is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, usually due to discomfort or tingling sensations?
A) Sleep paralysis
B) Hypersomnia
C) Circadian rhythm disorder
D) Restless legs syndrome
  • 4. What is the term for a disorder where a person experiences excessive sleepiness during daytime?
A) Hypersomnia
B) Narcolepsy
C) Insomnia
D) Sleep apnea
  • 5. Which sleep disorder is characterized by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep?
A) Parasomnia
B) Narcolepsy
C) Insomnia
D) Sleep apnea
  • 6. What is the term for a state in which a person partially or fully wakes up during the night but has trouble going back to sleep?
A) Hypersomnia
B) Sleep apnea
C) Awakening
D) Nightmare
  • 7. Which sleep disorder is characterized by an inability to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up?
A) Sleep paralysis
B) Narcolepsy
C) Sleepwalking
D) Insomnia
  • 8. What is the internal body clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle called?
A) Pineal gland
B) Thalamus
C) Circadian rhythm
D) Hypothalamus
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