Black Holes: The Mysterious Phenomenon in Space
  • 1. What is a black hole?
A) A region of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape
B) A gateway to another universe
C) A large celestial body made entirely of dark matter
D) A type of star that emits black radiation
  • 2. What is the boundary surrounding a black hole beyond which nothing can escape?
A) Cosmic void
B) Event horizon
C) Quantum field
D) Abyssal zone
  • 3. What happens to time near a black hole due to its intense gravitational pull?
A) Time speeds up
B) Time becomes unpredictable
C) Time freezes
D) Time slows down
  • 4. What is the name of the point at the very center of a black hole where density and gravity are infinite?
A) Singularity
B) Supernova
C) Magnetosphere
D) Quasar
  • 5. What theory suggests that black holes emit radiation and gradually lose mass over time?
A) String theory
B) Cosmic microwave background
C) Hawking radiation
D) Big Bang Theory
  • 6. What is the name of the telescope collaboration that captured the first-ever image of a black hole in 2019?
A) Hubble Space Telescope
B) Chandra X-ray Observatory
C) Event Horizon Telescope
D) Kepler Space Telescope
  • 7. What determines the size of the event horizon of a black hole?
A) The amount of dark matter it contains
B) The speed at which it rotates
C) Its distance from the nearest star
D) Its mass
  • 8. What is the term for a black hole with a mass millions to billions of times that of the Sun?
A) Mega black hole
B) Ultraheavy anomaly
C) Supermassive
D) Gargantuan singularity
  • 9. What is the process by which a black hole gains mass by absorbing nearby matter or merging with other black holes?
A) Dark matter fusion
B) Singularity expansion
C) Accretion
D) Gravity accumulation
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