Pentecost (Acts 2:1–13)
  • 1. Pentecost, celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, is a significant event in Christian tradition, particularly as described in Acts 2:1–13 in the New Testament. This momentous occasion marks the arrival of the Holy Spirit upon the assembled disciples in Jerusalem, fulfilling the promise made by Jesus before His ascension. As the disciples gathered in one place, they were suddenly filled with a powerful sound like a rushing wind and began to speak in various tongues, empowered by the Spirit. This miraculous phenomenon attracted a diverse crowd of devout Jews from different nations, each hearing the praises of God in their own native languages, a powerful testament to the universality of the Christian message. The mysterious and awe-inspiring event sparked both amazement and confusion among the onlookers, leading some to mock the disciples, claiming they were merely drunk from too much wine. However, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly addressed the crowd, explaining that what they were witnessing was the fulfillment of prophecy from the Book of Joel, signaling the outpouring of God's Spirit in the last days. Pentecost is thus not only a celebration of the birth of the Church through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit but also a pivotal moment emphasizing God’s inclusive reach to all humanity, breaking linguistic and cultural barriers as the good news of Jesus Christ began to spread throughout the world.

    What does the term 'Pentecost' mean?
A) Fiftieth
B) Twentieth
C) Seventieth
D) Tenth
  • 2. On which Jewish feast did Pentecost occur?
A) Feast of Weeks
B) First Fruits
C) Tabernacles
D) Passover
  • 3. Which city did the disciples gather in for Pentecost?
A) Capernaum
B) Bethlehem
C) Nazareth
D) Jerusalem
  • 4. What phenomenon occurred as the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples?
A) A voice from heaven
B) An earthquake
C) A sound like a mighty wind
D) A bright light
  • 5. What appeared to the disciples when the Holy Spirit descended?
A) Clouds
B) Doves
C) Stars
D) Tongues of fire
  • 6. What ability did the disciples receive at Pentecost?
A) To prophesy
B) To raise the dead
C) To heal the sick
D) To speak in different tongues
  • 7. How did the crowd react to the disciples speaking in tongues?
A) They laughed
B) They ignored them
C) They were amazed and perplexed
D) They were angry
  • 8. Who stood up to address the crowd after the Holy Spirit came?
A) Andrew
B) John
C) Peter
D) James
  • 9. Which scripture did Peter reference in his sermon?
A) Genesis 1:1
B) Joel 2:28-32
C) Isaiah 53:5
D) Psalms 23
  • 10. During Peter's sermon, what did he call the people to do?
A) Repent and be baptized
B) Build the church
C) Fast and pray
D) Praise the Lord
  • 11. What was the result of Peter's sermon on that day?
A) Only a few believed
B) They arrested the disciples
C) The crowd dispersed
D) About three thousand were added
  • 12. How many languages were heard by the crowd?
A) Only Greek
B) Various languages
C) Only Hebrew
D) Only Latin
  • 13. What was the primary purpose of speaking in tongues at Pentecost?
A) To proclaim the wonders of God
B) To confuse the people
C) To show power
D) To entertain
  • 14. What did Peter say about Jesus in his sermon?
A) He was raised from the dead
B) He never existed
C) He was a revolutionary
D) He was just a prophet
  • 15. What did some in the crowd accuse the disciples of being?
A) Crazy
B) Sorcerers
C) Liars
D) Drunk
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