Christopher Columbus discovers the West Indes
  • 1. When did Christopher Columbus discover the West Indies?
A) 1650
B) 1776
C) 1492
D) 1520
  • 2. Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus's voyage to the West Indies?
A) England
B) France
C) Spain
D) Portugal
  • 3. Which island did Christopher Columbus first land on in the Caribbean?
A) Haiti
B) Cuba
C) Jamaica
D) San Salvador
  • 4. What were the indigenous people of the Caribbean called by Christopher Columbus?
A) Arawaks
B) Indians
C) Aztecs
D) Mayans
  • 5. What was the original purpose of Christopher Columbus's voyage?
A) To reach Antarctica
B) To find a westward route to Asia
C) To discover Australia
D) To explore North America
  • 6. What title did Christopher Columbus hold?
A) Admiral of the Ocean Sea
B) King of the West Indies
C) Prince of Exploration
D) Duke of the New World
  • 7. Which Italian city was Christopher Columbus born in?
A) Venice
B) Genoa
C) Florence
D) Rome
  • 8. How many voyages to the Americas did Christopher Columbus make in total?
A) 4
B) 6
C) 2
D) 8
  • 9. How did Christopher Columbus and his crew navigate during their voyages?
A) Using road maps
B) By reading ancient scrolls
C) Using the stars and a compass
D) Following the scent of land
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