Start of Punic Wars against Carthage
  • 1. When did the First Punic War start?
A) 264 BC
B) 100 AD
C) 500 BC
D) 200 BC
  • 2. Who were the main powers involved in the start of the Punic Wars?
A) Egypt and Assyria
B) Romans and Gauls
C) Rome and Carthage
D) Greece and Persia
  • 3. Which famous Carthaginian general led the Carthaginian forces during the Punic Wars?
A) Julius Caesar
B) Alexander the Great
C) Cleopatra
D) Hannibal
  • 4. Who emerged as the dominant naval power after the First Punic War?
A) Egypt
B) Athens
C) Carthage
D) Rome
  • 5. What tactics did Hannibal famously use during the Second Punic War?
A) Crossing the Alps with elephants
B) Surrendering to Rome
C) Building a navy
D) Launching a surprise attack on Rome
  • 6. Which battle marked the end of the Second Punic War?
A) Battle of Zama
B) Battle of Trasimene
C) Battle of Trebia
D) Battle of Cannae
  • 7. Who famously called for Carthage to be destroyed in the Third Punic War?
A) Hannibal
B) Scipio Africanus
C) Cato the Elder
D) Julius Caesar
  • 8. What year did the destruction of Carthage take place?
A) 100 BC
B) 146 BC
C) 0 AD
D) 500 AD
  • 9. Which war marked the end of Carthage as a significant power in the ancient Mediterranean world?
A) Pyrrhic War
B) First Punic War
C) Second Punic War
D) Third Punic War
  • 10. Why did the Third Punic War break out?
A) Carthage invaded Roman territories
B) Carthage refused to submit to Roman rule
C) Rome wanted revenge for the Second Punic War
D) Rome believed Carthage was rebuilding its power
  • 11. What tactic is Hannibal known for using in the Battle of Cannae?
A) Double envelopment
B) Cavalry charge
C) Phalanx formation
D) Siege warfare
  • 12. Who was the Roman general that won the Battle of Mylae during the First Punic War?
A) Gaius Duilius
B) Hannibal
C) Scipio Africanus
D) Julius Caesar
  • 13. Which Roman province was established after the defeat of Carthage in the Third Punic War?
A) Africa
B) Gaul
C) Britain
D) Hispania
  • 14. Which Roman consul invaded North Africa and defeated the Carthaginian forces during the Third Punic War?
A) Lucius Aemilius Paullus
B) Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus
C) Gaius Marius
D) Marcus Licinius Crassus
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