Biodiversity Conservation
  • 1. Biodiversity conservation is the practice of protecting and preserving the variety of life on Earth, including the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic resources. This involves efforts to prevent the extinction of species, restore and protect habitats, and promote sustainable use of natural resources. Biodiversity conservation is important for maintaining healthy ecosystems, supporting human well-being, and preserving the planet's natural beauty and resilience in the face of environmental changes and threats. By conserving biodiversity, we help ensure a sustainable future for all living organisms and maintain the balance of life on Earth.

    What does biodiversity conservation aim to protect?
A) Variety of life on Earth
B) Mineral resources
C) Industrial development
D) Single species
  • 2. What is the goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
A) Exploitation of natural resources
B) Encouraging deforestation
C) Polluting the environment
D) Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
  • 3. What is the main threat to marine biodiversity?
A) Sustainable fishing practices
B) Marine protected areas
C) Coral reef conservation
D) Overfishing
  • 4. Which international agreement aims to combat illegal wildlife trade?
A) Kyoto Protocol
B) Paris Agreement
C) Montreal Protocol
  • 5. What does the acronym REDD+ stand for?
A) Renewing Endangered Species Database
B) Regulating Extraction of Dangerous Chemicals
C) Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
D) Rapid Energy Development Directive
  • 6. What is the role of seed banks in biodiversity conservation?
A) Preserving genetic diversity of plant species
B) Promoting genetic modification
C) Destroying plant diversity
D) Encouraging monoculture farming
  • 7. What is the purpose of ecological corridors?
A) Isolate species populations
B) Create artificial barriers
C) Connect fragmented habitats and promote species movement
D) Increase competition among species
  • 8. How do invasive species threaten biodiversity?
A) Promote species diversity
B) Enhance ecosystem resilience
C) Maintain ecological balance
D) Outcompete native species
  • 9. Which organization is responsible for publishing the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species?
A) World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
B) Greenpeace
C) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
D) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
  • 10. How does sustainable agriculture contribute to biodiversity conservation?
A) Supports habitat destruction
B) Intensifies chemical use
C) Encourages monoculture farming
D) Promotes biodiversity-friendly practices and reduces ecosystem impact
  • 11. Which of the following is a major threat to biodiversity?
A) Reducing air pollution
B) Planting more trees
C) Conserving water resources
D) Habitat destruction
  • 12. Which of the following is an example of an endangered species?
A) Pigeon
B) House Cat
C) Rabbit
D) Giant Panda
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