AIC SS 2 Fishery 3rd Term Exam 2022/23
  • 1. Fishery regulation decree was first promulgated in.......
A) 1971
B) 1973
C) 1970
D) 1972
  • 2. There is ban on the use of......... because they are not selective in killing
A) Traps
B) Chemical and explosives
C) Nets
D) Hooks
  • 3. Fishing is banned during..
A) Snow season
B) Dry season
C) Raining season
D) Harmattan season
  • 4. In fishing, land tax is introduced based on.....
A) Total numbers of fishermen available
B) rivers in the area
C) Total catch and sizes of fish at landing sites
D) buyers available
  • 5. ......... are usually out to sites to restricts sale of fishes which have unacceptable fish assessment
A) Fishermen
B) Fishery personnel
C) Middlemen
D) Consumer
  • 6. ........ is an abnormal condition or disorder of body structure and function that affects an organism
A) Malfunction
B) Respiration
C) Production
D) Disease
  • 7. Nutritional deficiencies of essential nutrients can lead to...... in a fish
A) Disease
B) Rapid growth
C) Quick reproduction
D) increase in sales
  • 8. High acidic, akaline water and low dissolved oxygen can cause the.......... of fish
A) Death
B) Quick attraction
C) Rapid growth
D) Quick reproduction
  • 9. To prevent fish disease,......
A) Protect fish with metallic object
B) Maintain good water quality at optimal level
C) Overfeed the fish
D) Overstock the pond
  • 10. When fish is hanging vertically in the water, it is a symptom of.....
A) Happiness
B) Disease
C) Labour
D) Overfeeding
  • 11. A fish pond should be well secured to prevent......
A) Buyers
B) Predators
C) Authorized persons
D) Opposite sex
  • 12. Predators are most silent in the.....
A) Night
B) Morning
C) Afternoon
D) Dry season
  • 13. It is advisable to build a/an...... Pond
A) Shallow
B) Narrow
C) Deep
D) Attractive
  • 14. Remove sick fish to
A) A hospital tank for treatment
B) Kill and consume
C) A bowl for quick sale
D) A sick bed for treatment
  • 15. .......... nets used to move sick fish
A) Disinfect
B) Sell
C) Double
D) Decorate
  • 16. Common fish disease symptoms include all except
A) Decaying fins
B) Emergency labour
C) Bulging eyes
D) Swelling of head
  • 17. ........ can be use to treat fish disease
A) Sand
B) Salt
C) Soap
D) Sugar
  • 18. Records are kept in fish farming for
A) competition
B) Discourage buyer
C) Proper management of the fish farm
D) Boost
  • 19. Log book contain the following information except
A) Size of pond
B) Location of pond
C) Pond ownership
D) Marriage certificate
  • 20. Fixed cost include all except
A) Tanks
B) Fertilizers
C) Sand
D) Equipments
  • 21. Example of variable cost is
A) Tanks
B) Farm structures
C) Transportation
D) Pumps
  • 22. Income statement is determined ....
A) After sales
B) Before sales
C) When building the pond
D) When stocking
  • 23. ....... helps the farmer to track his input and output
A) Records
B) Predators
C) Securities
D) Fertilizers
  • 24. In...... pond, male and female fishes are reared to lay together
A) Growing
B) Nursery
C) Rearing
D) Secondary
  • 25. Poly Culture means
A) One species of fish
B) Fish of the same sex
C) Two or more species of fish
D) Different sizes of fish
  • 26. Adding of calcium carbonate powder to the bottom of the pond help
A) To increase water loss
B) To reduce acidity
C) To increase acidity
D) To increase sales
  • 27. There should be regular supply of..... in pond management
A) Fish
B) Water
C) Fertilizers
D) Medicines
  • 28. Species of fish that can be stocked are all except
A) Soyfish
B) Carp
C) Catfish
D) Tilapia
  • 29. Example of salt water is....
A) Swamps
B) Lakes
C) Oceans
D) Springs
  • 30. In lagoon habitat, salinity is...... during the dry season
A) Low
B) Moderate
C) Disappeared
D) High
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