capmot reviewer
  • 1. What question helps viewers uncover assumptions, beliefs, biases, and values portrayed by the text?
A) What assumptions, interests, beliefs, biases, and values are portrayed by the text?
B) How many characters are in the text?
C) What is the author's favorite book?
D) What is my favorite movie?
  • 2. What does ongoing assessment allow educators to do?
A) Disregard student needs
B) Avoid providing feedback
C) Make informed decisions about instruction
D) Ignore student progress
  • 3. When a listener focuses on the individual sounds of words to decipher meaning, they are using:
A) Bottom-up processing
B) Both bottom-up and top-down processing
C) Neither bottom-up nor top-down processing
D) Top-down processing
  • 4. Students learn from each other through peer discussions and collaborative activities.
A) Teaching for accuracy
B) Teaching for meaning
C) None of these
D) Part-to-Whole instruction
  • 5. When a listener focuses on the overall meaning of a paragraph rather than individual words, they are using:
A) Bottom-up processing
B) Neither bottom-up nor top-down processing
C) Both bottom-up and top-down processing
D) Top-down processing
  • 6. "After viewing/responding" involves:
A) Ignoring the text completely
B) Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
C) Critiquing the text's font color
D) Reacting to the text without understanding it
  • 7. At which stage does the child write words that have no relationship to sounds?
A) Drawing and strings of letters
B) Copying words
C) Early Phonetic Writing
D) Conventional writing
  • 8. Identifying grammatical structures in a sentence is an example of:
A) Bottom-up processing
B) Top-down processing
C) Neither bottom-up nor top-down processing
D) Both bottom-up and top-down processing
  • 9. During the drawing and imitative writing stage, what does the child attempt to do?
A) Copy words from books
B) Communicate through scribbles imitating adult writing
C) Write full sentences
D) Memorize letters
  • 10. Students work on extended projects that require them to investigate, collaborate, and present findings or solutions.
A) Part-to-Part
B) None of these
C) Teaching for meaning
D) Teaching for accuracy
  • 11. The use of Big Book in storytelling activities is an example of
A) Part-to-Whole
B) None of these
C) Balanced method
D) Whole-to-Part
  • 12. Which bottom-up listening skill involves distinguishing individual sounds, word boundaries, and stressed syllables?
A) Identify thought groups
B) Distinguish individual sounds, word boundaries, and stressed syllables
C) Recognize contractions and connected speech
D) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
  • 13. What is the primary goal of the "During Viewing" procedure?
A) Ignoring the text
B) Critiquing the text's font style
C) Engaging with the text and processing its content
D) Reacting to the text without understanding it
  • 14. Students are evaluated based on predefined criteria or standards to ensure that their work meets specific accuracy benchmarks.
A) Teaching for accuracy
B) Teaching for meaning
C) Macro skills
D) All of these
  • 15. What is the basic process of reading?
A) Decoding and comprehension
B) Analyzing and criticizing
C) Guessing and imagining
D) Memorization and recitation
  • 16. During the conventional writing stage, what does the writing show?
A) The child's complete mastery of writing
B) An emerging voice of the writer
C) The child's inability to write
D) The child's ability to memorize words
  • 17. During Viewing" involves:
A) Engaging with the text and processing its content
B) Ignoring the text
C) Reacting to the text without understanding it
D) Critiquing the text's font style
  • 18. Which top-down listening skill involves listening for the gist, main ideas, topic, and setting of the text?
A) Listening for specific information
B) Listening for gist, main ideas, topic, and setting of the text
C) Prediction
D) Sequencing the information
  • 19. Comprehension in reading involves:
A) Creating symbols from written text
B) Interacting with the text to construct meaning
C) Ignoring the text
D) Memorizing symbols from oral language
  • 20. What does "After viewing/responding" entail?
A) Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
B) Critiquing the text's font color
C) Reacting to the text without understanding it
D) Ignoring the text completely
  • 21. After viewing/responding" refers to:
A) Reacting to the text without understanding it
B) Critiquing the text's font color
C) Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
D) Ignoring the text completely
  • 22. What does ongoing assessment allow educators to do?
A) Avoid providing feedback
B) Disregard student needs
C) Make informed decisions about instruction
D) Ignore student progress
  • 23. It emphasizes the importance of the learners understanding of the context in which the language is used.
A) None of these
B) Whole-to-Part
C) Balance method
D) Part-to-Whole
  • 24. According to Goodman (2005), what is the process of reading?
A) Ignoring symbols and focusing solely on oral language
B) Creating symbols from written text
C) Memorizing symbols from oral language
D) Relating symbols to oral language and constructing meaning from written text
  • 25. Decoding in reading refers to the ability to:
A) Construct meaning from written text
B) Memorize symbols from oral language
C) Figure out the pronunciation of printed words and determine their meaning
D) ignore the written text
  • 26. What does the "During Viewing" procedure involve?
A) Reacting to the text without understanding it
B) Engaging with the text and processing its content
C) Critiquing the text's font style
D) Ignoring the text
  • 27. What does "After viewing/responding" entail?
A) Ignoring the text completely
B) .Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
C) Critiquing the text's font color
D) Reacting to the text without understanding it
  • 28. Active viewers ask questions about the viewing process to:
A) Critique the font size used in the text
B) Passively consume the content
C) Better understand and engage with the material
D) Ignore the purpose of the text
  • 29. Active viewers engage in the procedure of "Pre viewing" to:
A) React to the text immediately
B) Critique the text's font size
C) Ignore the text
D) Understand the text before viewing it
  • 30. In which type of rubric is the emphasis placed on overall quality?
A) Alphabetical
B) Analytic
C) Numeral
D) Holistic
  • 31. Which bottom-up listening skill involves distinguishing individual sounds, word boundaries, and stressed syllables?
A) Recognize contractions and connected speech
B) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
C) Distinguish individual sounds, word boundaries, and stressed syllables
D) Identify thought groups
  • 32. What are the two types of rubrics?
A) Numeric and alphabetical
B) Analytic and holistic
C) Red and blue
D) Long and short
  • 33. What is one of the primary goals of assessment?
A) To discourage student learning
B) To measure student understanding and mastery
C) To ignore student progress
D) To avoid providing feedback
  • 34. Reading comprehension is:
A) The process of decoding written text
B) The ability to construct meaning by interacting with a text
C) The ability to memorize symbols
D) The ability to ignore the text completely
  • 35. Effective viewers engage in the procedure of "Pre viewing" to:
A) React to the text immediately
B) Ignore the text completely
C) Understand the text before viewing it
  • 36. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of assessment?
A) Identifying student strengths and weaknesses
B) Evaluating student progress
C) Encouraging competition among students
D) Informing instructional decisions
  • 37. What does the child do during the stage of drawing and strings of letters?
A) Writes sentences fluently
B) Copies words from books
C) Writes words to represent sounds
D) Writes random letters with no relationship to sounds
  • 38. Guessing the meaning of a word from context is an example of:
A) Bottom-up processing
B) Top-down processing
C) Both bottom-up and top-down processing
D) Neither bottom-up nor top-down processing
  • 39. Which bottom-up listening skill involves recognizing contractions and connected speech?
A) Identify thought groups
B) Recognize contractions and connected speech
C) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
  • 40. Why is assessment important in education?
A) To measure student learning and progress
B) To make students feel stressed
C) To eliminate learning opportunities
D) To rank students based on their performance
  • 41. Which bottom-up listening skill involves identifying grammatical forms and functions?
A) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
B) Recognize linking words
C) Identify grammatical forms and functions
D) Identify thought groups
  • 42. Which bottom-up listening skill involves recognizing linking words?
A) Identify thought groups
B) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
C) Recognize linking words
D) Identify grammatical forms and functions
  • 43. It begins by breaking down complex concepts or skills into smaller, more manageable parts.
A) None of these
B) All to part
C) Part-to-Whole
D) Whole to Part
  • 44. What distinguishes early Phonetic Writing from Phonetic Writing?
A) Early Phonetic Writing represents sounds, while Phonetic Writing uses letters to represent sounds.
B) Early Phonetic Writing copies words, while Phonetic Writing represents sounds.
C) There is no distinction between them.
D) Early Phonetic Writing uses only symbols, while Phonetic Writing uses letters.
  • 45. Which stage involves the child writing words using letters to represent each sound that is heard?
A) Early Phonetic Writing
B) Drawing and imitative writing
C) Phonetic writing
D) Copying words
  • 46. To whom is the text directed? refers to:
A) The author's favorite audience
B) The intended recipients or audience of the text
C) The author's age
D) The font size of the text
  • 47. The teacher delivers clear, step-by-step explanations of concepts, rules, or procedures, ensuring that students understand the correct information and how to apply it.
A) Teaching for meainng
B) None of these
C) Teaching for accuracy
D) Part-To-Whole
  • 48. Assessment helps educators to
A) Limit student potential
B) Discourage student engagement
C) Provide timely feedback to students
  • 49. What does "After viewing/responding" entail?
A) Ignoring the text completely
B) Reacting to the text without understanding it
C) Critiquing the text's font color
D) Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
  • 50. This approach encourages students to articulate their understanding, question their peers, and engage in constructive dialogue to deepen their comprehension of the subject matter.
A) Peer instruction
B) Problem-Based Learning
C) Discussion method
D) None of these
  • 51. Active viewers engage in the procedure of "Pre viewing" to:
A) React to the text immediately
B) Critique the text's font size
C) Ignore the text
D) Understand the text before viewing it
  • 52. Students analyze real-life scenarios or case studies from their field of study to understand concepts in context.
A) All of these
B) Teaching for meaning
C) None of these
D) Teaching for accuracy
  • 53. Which stage involves the child writing random letters with no relationship to sounds?
A) Early Phonetic Writing
B) Drawing and imitative writing
C) Drawing and strings of letters
D) Phonetic writing
  • 54. What is a common feature of both analytic and holistic rubrics?
A) They both provide a single overall score for the task
B) They both provide detailed feedback to students
C) They both assess criteria separately
D) They both eliminate the need for assessment
  • 55. It begins by breaking down complex concepts or skills into smaller, more manageable parts.
A) None of these
B) Part-to-Whole
C) Whole to Part
D) All to part
  • 56. Which bottom-up listening skill involves identifying grammatical forms and functions?
A) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
B) Recognize linking words
C) Identify thought groups
D) Identify grammatical forms and functions
  • 57. Understanding the purpose of the text helps viewers to:
A) Critique the font style used
B) Passively consume the text
C) Ignore the content of the text
D) Determine why the text was created or presented
  • 58. Peer instruction is an example of what teaching method?
A) None of these
B) Teaching for accuracy
C) Teaching for meaning
D) All of these
  • 59. Which stage involves the child writing random letters with no relationship to sounds?
A) Phonetic writing
B) Early photonic writing
C) Drawing and initiative writing
D) Drawingand string of letters
  • 60. Which bottom-up listening skill involves recognizing linking words?
A) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
B) Identify grammatical forms and functions
C) Identify thought groups
D) Recognize linking words
  • 61. In which type of rubric is the emphasis placed on overall quality?
A) Alphabetical
B) Analytic
C) Holistic
D) Numeric
  • 62. Teachers focus on teaching content and strategies specifically tailored to standardized tests, ensuring that students are familiar with the format and content of the exams and can perform accurately under testing conditions.
A) None of these
B) Teaching for accuracy
C) Inquiry method
D) Teaching for meaning
  • 63. The use of Big Book in storytelling activities is an example of
A) Balanced method
B) Part-to-Whole
C) None of these
D) Whole-to-Part
  • 64. What is the first stage of emergent writing?
A) Drawing and imitative writing
B) Copying words
C) Conventional writing
D) Drawing and string of letters
  • 65. What is the benefit of using an analytic rubric?
A) It confuses students
B) It eliminates the need for assessment criteria
C) It simplifies the grading process for teachers
D) It provides detailed feedback to students on different aspects of their performance
  • 66. Which of the following is NOT a stage of emergent writing?
A) Copying words
B) Drawing and imitative writing
C) Memorizing words
D) Early phonetic writing
  • 67. Which of the following is NOT a part of comprehension in reading?
A) Constructing meaning by interacting with a text
B) Analyzing the content of the text
C) Making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word
D) Ignoring the text
  • 68. What does the child do during the copying words stage?
A) Write full sentence
B) Write random letters
C) Draw picture
D) Copy words from familiar resources
  • 69. What is the basic process of reading?
A) Guessing and imagining
B) Decoding and comprehension
C) Memorization and recitation
  • 70. What distinguishes early Phonetic Writing from Phonetic Writing?
A) Early Phonetic Writing represents sounds, while Phonetic Writing uses letters to represent sounds
B) Early Phonetic Writing uses only symbols, while Phonetic Writing uses letters.
C) Early Phonetic Writing copies words, while Phonetic Writing represents sounds.
D) There is no distinction between them.
  • 71. During the drawing and imitative writing stage, what does the child attempt to do?
A) Memorize letters
B) adult writing
C) Copy words from books
D) Communicate through scribbles imitating
  • 72. After viewing/responding" refers to:
A) Ignoring the text completely
B) Critiquing the text's font color
C) Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
D) Reacting to the text without understanding it
  • 73. Effective viewers engage in the procedure of "Pre viewing" to:
A) React to the text immediately
B) Understand the text before viewing it
C) Critique the text's font size
D) Ignore the text completely
  • 74. In which stage does the child attempt to communicate through scribbles that imitate adult writing?
A) Early Phonetic Writing
B) Drawing and imitative writing
C) Copying words
D) Phonetic writing
  • 75. What is one of the primary goals of assessment?
A) To discourage student learning
B) To measure student understanding and mastery
C) To ignore student progress
  • 76. Reading is described as an interactive process involving:
A) Only the reader and the text
B) The reader, the text, and the writer
C) Only the reader
D) Only the text
  • 77. Using prior knowledge to make sense of new information is an example of:
A) Bottom-up processing
B) Neither bottom-up nor top-down processing
C) Top-down processing
D) Both bottom-up and top-down processing
  • 78. In which type of rubric is the emphasis placed on overall quality?
A) Holistic
B) Numeric
C) Analytic
D) Alphabetical
  • 79. Students engage in structured discussions where they explore open-ended questions related to a text or topic.
A) Teaching for meaning
B) Whole -to-part method
C) Part-to-whole method
D) Teaching for accuracy
  • 80. During the conventional writing stage, what does the writing show?
A) The child's complete mastery of writing
B) The child's ability to memorize words
C) The child's inability to write
D) An emerging voice of the writer
  • 81. Peer instruction is an example of what teaching method?
A) All of these
B) Teaching for meaning
C) Teaching for accuracy
D) None of these
  • 82. At which stage does the child write words that have no relationship to sounds?
A) Copying words
B) Early Phonetic Writing
C) Conventional writing
D) Drawing and strings of letters
  • 83. Which bottom-up listening skill involves recognizing contractions and connected speech?
A) Recognize linking words
B) Identify thought groups
C) Recognize contractions and connected speech
D) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
  • 84. Which top-down listening skill involves arranging information in a logical order?
A) Listening for gist, main ideas, topic, and setting of the text
B) Sequencing the information
C) Prediction
D) Listening for specific information
  • 85. Students engage in repetitive exercises to master specific skills or procedures, such as solving math equations, conjugating verbs in a foreign language, or identifying grammatical errors in sentences.
A) Indirect method
B) Teaching for accuracy
C) Teaching for meaning
D) All of these
  • 86. Which bottom-up listening skill involves recognizing contractions and connected speech?
A) Identify thought groups
B) Recognize contractions and connected speech
C) Listen for intonation patterns in utterances
D) Recognize linking words
  • 87. Which top-down listening skill involves inferring information not explicitly stated?
A) Listening for specific information
B) Listening for gist, main ideas, topic, and setting of the text
C) Inferencing
D) Sequencing the information
  • 88. What does the child do during the stage of drawing and strings of letters?
A) Writes words to represent sounds
B) Writes random letters with no relationship to sounds
C) Copies words from books
D) Writes sentences fluently
  • 89. What does "After viewing/responding" entail?
A) Ignoring the text completely
B) Critiquing the text's font color
C) Reacting to the text without understanding it
D) Reflecting on and responding to the text after engaging with it
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