A) 16th century B) 18th century C) 15th century D) 17th century
A) Poland B) Italy C) Germany D) France
A) The Wealth of Nations B) De revolutionibus orbium coelestium C) Principia D) On the Origin of Species
A) Bishop B) Cardinal C) Canon D) Pope
A) 1700 B) 1600 C) 1450 D) 1543
A) Isaac Newton B) Galileo Galilei C) Johannes Kepler D) Tycho Brahe
A) Tycho Brahe B) Hipparchus C) Ptolemy D) Aristarchus of Samos
A) Nicolò Copernico B) Nicolaus Copernicus C) Nicolas Copper D) Nikolaus Kopernik
A) Vienna, Austria B) Paris, France C) Rome, Italy D) Frombork, Poland |