Nicolaus Copernicus
  • 1. In which century did Nicolaus Copernicus live?
A) 18th century
B) 15th century
C) 17th century
D) 16th century
  • 2. Where was Nicolaus Copernicus from?
A) Poland
B) Germany
C) France
D) Italy
  • 3. What was the name of Nicolaus Copernicus' famous book?
A) Principia
B) De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
C) On the Origin of Species
D) The Wealth of Nations
  • 4. What position did Copernicus hold in the Catholic Church?
A) Bishop
B) Pope
C) Canon
D) Cardinal
  • 5. In which year did Copernicus' book on heliocentrism get published?
A) 1450
B) 1600
C) 1700
D) 1543
  • 6. Who was a famous disciple of Copernicus that supported his heliocentric theory?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Johannes Kepler
C) Galileo Galilei
D) Tycho Brahe
  • 7. Which ancient astronomer proposed a heliocentric model long before Copernicus?
A) Aristarchus of Samos
B) Hipparchus
C) Tycho Brahe
D) Ptolemy
  • 8. What was the Latinized form of Copernicus' name?
A) Nicolò Copernico
B) Nikolaus Kopernik
C) Nicolas Copper
D) Nicolaus Copernicus
  • 9. Where did Copernicus live most of his life?
A) Vienna, Austria
B) Frombork, Poland
C) Paris, France
D) Rome, Italy
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