Colorado River
  • 1. Where is the source of the Colorado River?
A) Appalachian Mountains
B) Rocky Mountains
C) Sierra Nevada
D) Cascade Range
  • 2. Which famous dam is built on the Colorado River?
A) Three Gorges Dam
B) Glen Canyon Dam
C) Hoover Dam
D) Grand Coulee Dam
  • 3. What is the approximate length of the Colorado River?
A) 1,450 miles
B) 900 miles
C) 2,200 miles
D) 3,500 miles
  • 4. Colorado River flows into which body of water?
A) Gulf of Mexico
B) Colorado River Delta
C) Gulf of California
D) Pacific Ocean
  • 5. Which national park is traversed by the Colorado River, known for its deep canyons and rock formations?
A) Yosemite National Park
B) Yellowstone National Park
C) Rocky Mountain National Park
D) Grand Canyon National Park
  • 6. What is the largest tributary of the Colorado River?
A) Rio Grande
B) Green River
C) Virgin River
D) Snake River
  • 7. Which city in Nevada gets a significant portion of its water supply from the Colorado River?
A) Las Vegas
B) Reno
C) Henderson
D) Carson City
  • 8. The Colorado River Compact, signed in 1922, divided the river's water between which two regions?
A) Upstream Basin and Downstream Basin
B) Western Basin and Eastern Basin
C) North Basin and South Basin
D) Upper Basin and Lower Basin
  • 9. What is the name of the prominent feature on the Colorado River that creates a large calm body of water known as Lake Powell?
A) Navajo Dam
B) Davis Dam
C) Parker Dam
D) Glen Canyon Dam
  • 10. Which of the following is NOT a major recreational activity along the Colorado River?
A) Skiing
B) Fishing
C) Hiking
D) Rafting
  • 11. What geological process primarily formed the Grand Canyon through which the Colorado River flows?
A) Volcanic Activity
B) Erosion
C) Glaciation
D) Tectonic Uplift
  • 12. Which Native American tribe considers the Colorado River sacred and calls it 'Hahaha' or 'Mother'?
A) Havasupai
B) Ute
C) Navajo
D) Hopi
  • 13. Which city in California receives a portion of its water supply from the Colorado River via the Colorado River Aqueduct?
A) San Francisco
B) San Diego
C) Sacramento
D) Los Angeles
  • 14. Which desert landscape is located near the confluence of the Colorado and Green Rivers in Utah?
A) Arches National Park
B) Death Valley National Park
C) Canyonlands National Park
D) Joshua Tree National Park
  • 15. Where is the Colorado River located?
A) Western United States
B) Australia
C) Europe
D) Asia
  • 16. What is the largest reservoir on the Colorado River by capacity?
A) Lake Powell
B) Lake Havasu
C) Lake Mohave
D) Lake Mead
  • 17. Which rapids in the Grand Canyon are known as some of the most challenging in the world?
A) Hance Rapids
B) Lava Falls
C) Hermit Rapids
D) Crystal Rapids
  • 18. The Colorado River provides water to approximately how many people?
A) 40 million
B) 100 million
C) 75 million
D) 15 million
  • 19. What is the primary economic activity that relies on water from the Colorado River?
A) Tourism
B) Tech industry
C) Manufacturing
D) Agriculture
  • 20. Which endangered species can be found in the Colorado River and its tributaries?
A) Colorado Pikeminnow
B) Red-crowned Crane
C) Bald Eagle
D) White-tailed Deer
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