  • 1. "MAN is the measure of all things."
A) Mystery of holy trinity
B) Mystical
C) Arch
D) Arche
E) Super natural
  • 2. Ultimate composition of all things
A) Hylomorphism
B) Specific principles
C) Sorry
D) Individual principle
E) Idontknow
  • 3. Structure means?
A) Seperated
B) Whole divided into parts
C) Parts composing the whole
D) Ugly
E) Whole
  • 4. Relation of whole with itself?
A) Overall intergrity
B) Simplicity
C) Structure
D) Order
E) Whole
  • 5. Whole divided into parts?
A) Form of beauty
B) Order
C) Ugly
D) Whole
E) Structure
  • 6. What are the three types of the form of beauty?
A) Fundamental principles, specific principles, individual principle
B) Prime matter, substanial form, thing
C) Order, structure, whole
D) Ugly, beautiful, scary
E) Grande, ebidag, cabrera
  • 7. Relation of parts with one another?
A) Order
B) Whole
C) Proper proportion
D) Ugly
E) Structure
  • 8. Indicated by the TIME SIGNATURE and by the VALUE OF NOTES
A) Tempo
B) Mathematics of Rhythm
C) Time signature
D) Value of notes
E) Pitch
  • 9. Indicated by the position of the notes on the staff
A) Position
B) Mathematics of pitch
C) Direction
D) Sound
E) Value of notes
  • 10. Who said " Man is the measure of all things"
A) Copernicus
B) Plato
C) Aristotle
D) Protagoras
E) Dr. Allan C. Oratte
  • 11. Individual principle means?
A) Proportion and integrity
B) Composing the whole
C) Simplicity
D) Order and structure
E) Ugly
  • 12. He believes that his composition expresses the spiritual quality of art
A) Crisostomo
B) Cabrera
C) Leonardo
D) Aristotle
E) Kandinsky
  • 13. It means that jesus is on earth, the material world
A) Halo2x
B) Square Halo
C) Formal form of beauty
D) Square
E) Circle
  • 14. Who is the architect of manila cathedral?
A) Fernando ocampo
B) Jhon ernie Diao
C) Baroque architecture
D) El Greco
E) Malevich red square
  • 15. Division of a line so that the whole is to the greater part as that part is to the smaller part
A) Golden spiral
B) Golden ratio
C) Golden rectangle
D) Golden watch
E) Golden section
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