Bipedal ape-like hominids first appear in Africa
  • 1. Where did bipedal ape-like hominids first appear?
A) Europe
B) Asia
C) Africa
D) Australia
  • 2. What is a common nickname for the most famous Australopithecus afarensis specimen?
A) Charlie
B) Maggie
C) Max
D) Lucy
  • 3. Bipedalism is characterized by walking on:
A) Four legs
B) Two legs
C) One leg
D) Three legs
  • 4. Who is often credited with the discovery of the 'Lucy' fossil?
A) Mary Leakey
B) Louis Leakey
C) Richard Leakey
D) Donald Johanson
  • 5. What is the significance of the Laetoli footprints in Tanzania?
A) They provide evidence of early bipedalism
B) They are artistic carvings from ancient hominids
C) They are the remains of a lost civilization
D) They are related to the first fire use by hominids
  • 6. What is a famous site in Africa known for early hominid discoveries?
A) Olduvai Gorge
B) Everest Base Camp
C) Grand Canyon
D) Great Barrier Reef
  • 7. What is considered one of the earliest known stone tools used by hominids?
A) Iron tools
B) Bronze tools
C) Oldowan tools
D) Steel tools
  • 8. What is the term used to describe the ability to walk on two legs?
A) Tripedalism
B) Bipedalism
C) Quadrupedalism
D) Unipedalism
  • 9. What is the name of the method used to estimate the age of fossils by measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes?
A) Radiometric dating
B) Carbon dating
C) Archaeological dating
D) Fossil correlation
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