Spelling U25
  • 1. Choose the correct spelling.
A) cirtun
B) cirtain
C) sirtan
D) certain
  • 2. Choose the correct spelling.
A) mountain
B) montin
C) montan
D) mountin
  • 3. Choose the correct spelling.
A) vilin
B) villain
C) villin
D) villun
  • 4. Choose the correct spelling.
A) capten
B) captain
C) captun
D) captin
  • 5. Choose the correct spelling.
A) surgeon
B) surjen
C) surjeon
D) surgen
  • 6. Choose the correct spelling.
A) kurtain
B) kurtin
C) curtin
D) curtain
  • 7. Choose the correct spelling.
A) fontain
B) fountin
C) fountain
D) founten
  • 8. Choose the correct spelling.
A) future
B) fuchur
C) phuture
D) fucher
  • 9. Choose the correct spelling.
A) nachur
B) nature
C) nacher
  • 10. Choose the correct spelling.
A) gester
B) jestur
C) gesture
D) jesture
  • 11. Choose the correct spelling.
A) deparcher
B) departure
C) deparchur
  • 12. Choose the correct spelling.
A) texture
B) texchur
C) texcher
D) testure
  • 13. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) texchure
B) creature
C) furnicher
D) fontain
  • 14. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) advencher
B) feachur
C) mixture
D) curtin
  • 15. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) villin
B) advencher
C) furniture
D) recive
  • 16. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) feature
B) pleazur
C) leture
D) chiftin
  • 17. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) adventure
B) treshure
C) pleazur
D) chiftin
  • 18. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) receve
B) pleasure
C) picshur
D) scultor
  • 19. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) treasure
B) natchur
C) meazure
D) surgin
  • 20. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) captin
B) measure
C) villin
D) picshur
  • 21. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) leshur
B) receive
C) sertain
D) mountin
  • 22. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) cheftin
B) fountin
C) treshur
D) picture
  • 23. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) captin
B) chieftain
C) surjun
D) kurtin
  • 24. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) villan
B) leisure
C) mountan
  • 25. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) sculpture
B) jesture
C) natchur
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