Prophet Muhammad's Life
  • 1. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in the city of Mecca in the year 570 CE. He grew up to become a beloved and respected figure in his community, known for his honesty, integrity, and compassion. At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel, marking the beginning of his mission as a prophet. Over the next 23 years, he delivered the message of Islam, calling people to worship one God and to live a life of morality and justice. Despite facing persecution and hardships, Prophet Muhammad remained steadfast in his mission, eventually establishing the first Islamic state in Medina. He passed away in the year 632 CE, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom, mercy, and guidance for all of humanity.

    What year was Prophet Muhammad born in?
A) 570 CE
B) 632 CE
C) 610 CE
D) 650 CE
  • 2. In which city was Prophet Muhammad born?
A) Jerusalem
B) Mecca
C) Medina
D) Damascus
  • 3. In which year did Prophet Muhammad migrate from Mecca to Medina?
A) 610 CE
B) 630 CE
C) 632 CE
D) 622 CE
  • 4. What is the name of Prophet Muhammad's mosque in Medina?
A) Masjid Aqsa
B) Masjid al-Haram
C) Masjid al-Nabawi
D) Masjid Quba
  • 5. Which battle established the strength of the Muslim community in Medina?
A) Battle of Tabuk
B) Battle of Badr
C) Battle of Khandaq
D) Battle of Uhud
  • 6. Who was the first caliph after Prophet Muhammad's death?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Umar
C) Uthman
D) Ali
  • 7. What was the name of the treaty signed between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh of Mecca?
A) Treaty of Aqabah
B) Treaty of Khaybar
C) Treaty of Hudaibiyah
D) Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
  • 8. Who was the adopted son of Prophet Muhammad?
A) Zayd ibn Harithah
B) Jafar ibn Abi Talib
C) Usama ibn Zayd
D) Ali ibn Abi Talib
  • 9. What is the name of Prophet Muhammad's father?
A) Abu Talib
B) Abdullah
C) Harith
D) Abu Lahab
  • 10. Who was the first person to give the call to prayer in Islam?
A) Bilal ibn Rabah
B) Ali ibn Abi Talib
C) Abu Bakr
D) Umar ibn al-Khattab
  • 11. What is the name of Prophet Muhammad's paternal uncle who raised him after the death of his grandfather?
A) Abu Lahab
B) Al-Abbas
C) Hamza
D) Abu Talib
  • 12. What is the name of Prophet Muhammad's wife who played a significant role in supporting him during difficult times?
A) Sawda
B) Hafsah
C) Khadijah
D) Aisha
  • 13. Prophet Muhammad is known as the seal of the _____?
A) Kings
B) Leaders
C) Warriors
D) Prophets
  • 14. What is the name of the well in Mecca that miraculously appeared in response to Prophet Isma'il's thirst?
A) Abi Talib
B) Zamzam
C) Ma'ar
D) Hudaibiyah
  • 15. What is the name of the battle in which Prophet Muhammad was injured and his uncle Hamza was martyred?
A) Battle of Uhud
B) Battle of Hunayn
C) Battle of Khandaq
D) Battle of Badr
  • 16. Who was the youngest wife of Prophet Muhammad?
A) Aisha
B) Hafsah
C) Khadijah
D) Sawda
  • 17. What was the occupation of Prophet Muhammad before receiving revelation?
A) Carpenter
B) Merchant
C) Soldier
D) Scholar
  • 18. During which pilgrimage did Prophet Muhammad deliver his famous farewell sermon?
A) Farewell Pilgrimage
B) Hujjat al-Wida
C) Last Pilgrimage
D) Conquest Pilgrimage
  • 19. Who was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad?
A) Umar
B) Uthman
C) Ali
D) Abu Bakr
  • 20. How many times a day do Muslims perform the obligatory prayers?
A) Five
B) Seven
C) Three
D) Six
  • 21. What is the name of the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca?
A) Ziyarat
B) Hajj
C) Umrah
D) Jihad
  • 22. What is the name of the Islamic practice of giving to charity?
A) Fitrah
B) Sadaqah
C) Zakat
D) Khums
  • 23. What is the night journey of Prophet Muhammad called?
A) Isra and Mi'raj
B) Lailat al-Qadr
C) Hijra
D) Barzakh
  • 24. Which of the Prophet Muhammad's daughters is known for her virtue and piety?
A) Zainab
B) Ruqayyah
C) Fatimah
D) Umm Kulthum
  • 25. Where is the Prophet Muhammad buried?
A) Mecca
B) Jerusalem
C) Cairo
D) Medina
  • 26. What event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar?
A) Hijra
B) Revelation of Quran
C) Prophet's Birth
D) Proclamation of Prophethood
  • 27. Which angel brought revelations to Prophet Muhammad?
A) Michael
B) Gabriel
C) Raphael
D) Uriel
  • 28. At what age did Prophet Muhammad receive his first revelation?
A) 45
B) 35
C) 40
D) 25
  • 29. Which Surah in the Quran is known as 'the heart of the Quran'?
A) Surah Ar-Rahman
B) Surah Al-Kahf
C) Surah Al-Fatiha
D) Surah Yasin
  • 30. Who raised Prophet Muhammad after his mother's death?
A) His stepmother, Umm Salamah
B) His uncle, Abu Talib
C) His cousin, Ali
D) His grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib
  • 31. In which month is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca performed?
A) Safar
B) Ramadan
C) Dhu al-Hijjah
D) Muharram
  • 32. Prophet Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Medina is known as the:
A) Jihad
B) Fatwa
C) Hijrah
D) Shahada
  • 33. How many children did Prophet Muhammad have?
A) 5
B) 2
C) 4
D) 7
  • 34. To which tribe did Prophet Muhammad belong?
A) Quraysh
B) Ansar
C) Thaqif
D) Banu Hashim
  • 35. How many years did Prophet Muhammad spend in Medina?
A) 5
B) 20
C) 15
D) 10
  • 36. What is the name of the Islamic declaration of faith?
A) Shahada
B) Sawm
C) Salat
D) Zakat
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