Amu Darya
  • 1. Which of the following countries does the Amu Darya river flow through?
A) Argentina
B) Turkmenistan
C) Libya
D) India
  • 2. Where does the Amu Darya river end?
A) Pacific Ocean
B) Mediterranean Sea
C) Aral Sea
D) Indian Ocean
  • 3. Which other major river is connected to the Amu Darya through the arid Ustyurt Plateau?
A) Syr Darya
B) Nile
C) Mississippi
D) Amazon
  • 4. What is the primary use of the water from the Amu Darya river?
A) Industrial cooling
B) Irrigation
C) Hydroelectric power
D) Drinking water
  • 5. In which mountain range does the Amu Darya river originate?
A) Pamir Mountains
B) Rocky Mountains
C) Himalayas
D) Andes Mountains
  • 6. Which desert lies to the west of the Amu Darya river?
A) Karakum Desert
B) Gobi Desert
C) Atacama Desert
D) Sahara Desert
  • 7. What is the historical name of the Amu Darya river in classical writings?
A) Yangtze
B) Oxus
C) Nile
D) Danube
  • 8. What is the primary agricultural crop grown in the Amu Darya river basin?
A) Wheat
B) Soybeans
C) Cotton
D) Rice
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