U.S. Civil War
  • 1. When did the U.S. Civil War begin?
A) 1812
B) 1914
C) 1861
D) 1776
  • 2. Where did the first shots of the Civil War occur?
A) Gettysburg
B) Fort Sumter
C) Vicksburg
D) Antietam
  • 3. Which state was the first to secede from the Union?
A) Virginia
B) Texas
C) South Carolina
D) Georgia
  • 4. Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?
A) Ulysses S. Grant
B) Jefferson Davis
C) Abraham Lincoln
D) Robert E. Lee
  • 5. Which battle is often considered the turning point of the Civil War?
A) Chancellorsville
B) Gettysburg
C) Shiloh
D) Antietam
  • 6. What was the bloodiest single day of the Civil War?
A) Vicksburg
B) Antietam
C) Shiloh
D) Gettysburg
  • 7. Which general led the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia?
A) William Tecumseh Sherman
B) Robert E. Lee
C) Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson
D) Ulysses S. Grant
  • 8. What was the main cause of the Civil War?
A) States' Rights
B) Economic Differences
C) Manifest Destiny
D) Slavery
  • 9. Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?
A) Lee Harvey Oswald
B) Charles Guiteau
C) John Hinckley Jr.
D) John Wilkes Booth
  • 10. Which Union general famously marched through Georgia and practiced total war?
A) George McClellan
B) George Meade
C) William Tecumseh Sherman
D) John Sedgwick
  • 11. Where did General Lee surrender to General Grant, effectively ending the Civil War?
A) Antietam
B) Gettysburg
C) Vicksburg
D) Appomattox Court House
  • 12. Where was the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War?
A) Montgomery, Alabama
B) Richmond, Virginia
C) Charleston, South Carolina
D) Atlanta, Georgia
  • 13. Who wrote the novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' that depicted the harsh reality of slavery?
A) Harriet Beecher Stowe
B) Nathaniel Hawthorne
C) Mark Twain
D) Emily Dickinson
  • 14. What was the capital of the United States during the Civil War?
A) New York City, NY
B) Philadelphia, PA
C) Washington, D.C.
D) Boston, MA
  • 15. What famous speech began with 'Four score and seven years ago...'?
A) Gettysburg Address
B) Emancipation Proclamation
C) Lincoln's Second Inaugural
D) Sherman's March to the Sea
  • 16. In what year did the Civil War end?
A) 1876
B) 1865
C) 1901
D) 1850
  • 17. What was the name of the famous ironclad warship that fought in the Civil War?
A) USS Arizona
B) USS Merrimack
C) USS Constitution
D) USS Monitor
  • 18. Which African American regiment gained fame for their bravery during the Civil War?
A) 54th Massachusetts
B) 20th Alabama
C) 2nd Texas
D) 1st Virginia
  • 19. What was the name of the Confederate submarine that sank the USS Housatonic in 1864?
A) C.S.S. Alabama
B) C.S.S. Virginia
C) H.L. Hunley
D) USS Atlanta
  • 20. Which side had the advantage in terms of industrial capacity during the Civil War?
A) Both sides were equal
B) Confederacy
C) None of the above
D) Union
  • 21. Who was the first woman to receive the Medal of Honor for her service as a Civil War nurse?
A) Louisa May Alcott
B) Harriet Tubman
C) Mary Edwards Walker
D) Clara Barton
  • 22. What was the name of the first major battle of the Civil War, fought in July 1861?
A) Battle of Shiloh
B) Battle of Gettysburg
C) First Battle of Bull Run
D) Battle of Antietam
  • 23. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery throughout the country?
A) 12th Amendment
B) 15th Amendment
C) 14th Amendment
D) 13th Amendment
  • 24. Who was the top Confederate general at the Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas)?
A) Robert E. Lee
B) Stonewall Jackson
C) P.G.T. Beauregard
D) Jubal Early
  • 25. Which Union general famously failed at the Battle of Fredericksburg in 1862?
A) George McClellan
B) Philip Sheridan
C) Ambrose Burnside
D) Joseph Hooker
  • 26. Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War?
A) Abraham Lincoln
B) Ulysses S. Grant
C) James Buchanan
D) Andrew Johnson
  • 27. What was the nickname of the Confederate general Thomas J. Jackson?
A) Whirlwind
B) Stonewall
C) Ironclad
D) Thunderbolt
  • 28. Which Union general won the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) George Gordon Meade
B) George Meade
C) Abner Doubleday
D) Daniel Sickles
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