Gov't - Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba
  • 1. This country is an example of a Federal system with a Presidential Democracy. It has a President and a Vice-President.
A) Brazil
B) Mexico
C) Cuba
  • 2. This country is an example of a Federal System with a Presidential Democracy, they only have a President.
A) Brazil
B) Cuba
C) Mexico
  • 3. This country is an example of a unitary government.
A) Mexico
B) Cuba
C) Brazil
  • 4. This country only has one political party.
A) Brazil
B) Mexico
C) Cuba
  • 5. These two countries have many different political parties.
A) Brazil and Mexico
B) Brazil and Cuba
C) Mexico and Cuba
  • 6. This country requires citizens that are ages 18-70 to vote in elections.
A) Brazil
B) Mexico
C) Cuba
  • 7. This country allows their President to serve unlimited terms in office.
A) Mexico
B) Brazil
C) Cuba
  • 8. In these two countries you could vote when you turned 16 years old.
A) Cuba & Mexico
B) Brazil & Cuba
C) Mexico & Brazil
  • 9. Cuba has a President, but he is a ____________ with absolute authority.
A) Vice-President
B) King
C) Prime Minister
D) Dictator
  • 10. This country does not allow freedom of speech.
A) Mexico
B) Brazil
C) Cuba
  • 11. Brazil and Mexico have a legislature called the _____________.
A) National Assembly of People's Power
B) Congress
C) Parliament
D) Oligarchy
  • 12. Which two countries are the governments the most similar.
A) Brazil & Cuba
B) Brazil & Mexico
C) Mexico & Cuba
  • 13. Which country has a 6 year term for their President?
A) Mexico
B) Brazil
C) Cuba
  • 14. Which country has a 4 year term for their President?
A) Brazil
B) Cuba
C) Mexico
  • 15. What is the name of Cuba's legislature?
A) Chamber of Deputies
B) Senate
C) Communist Cuba
D) National Assembly of People's Power
  • 16. Cuba has one political party called the ______________ Party.
A) Communist
B) Republican
C) Democrat
D) Parliamentary
  • 17. This country is an example of an autocratic government.
A) Mexico
B) Brazil
C) Cuba
  • 18. This is the only country that we studied in which the people do not elect the President.
A) Cuba
B) Brazil
C) Mexico
  • 19. Because it is mandatory for most citizens to vote here, this country holds its elections on Sunday.
A) Cuba
B) Mexico
C) Brazil
  • 20. This country has the least amount of freedoms.
A) Brazil
B) Mexico
C) Cuba
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