William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd U.S. President
  • 1. In which year did Bill Clinton become the 42nd President of the United States?
A) 1988
B) 1993
C) 1990
D) 1995
  • 2. Which state did Bill Clinton serve as governor before becoming President?
A) California
B) Arkansas
C) Texas
D) New York
  • 3. Who was Bill Clinton's running mate in the 1992 and 1996 elections?
A) John Kerry
B) Joe Biden
C) Hillary Clinton
D) Al Gore
  • 4. Which scandal led to Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998?
A) Email scandal
B) Lewinsky scandal
C) Iran-Contra affair
D) Whitewater controversy
  • 5. During Bill Clinton's presidency, the United States experienced a period of economic growth known as the what?
A) Bush Boom
B) Reagan Boom
C) Obama Boom
D) Clinton Boom
  • 6. Which country did Bill Clinton intervene in during the Bosnian War?
A) Iraq
B) Syria
C) Bosnia and Herzegovina
D) Afghanistan
  • 7. What was the title of Bill Clinton's autobiography, published in 2004?
A) In the Arena
B) Decision Points
C) My Life
D) The Audacity of Hope
  • 8. Which global agreement did Bill Clinton sign in 1997 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
A) Copenhagen Accord
B) Montreal Protocol
C) Paris Agreement
D) Kyoto Protocol
  • 9. In 1999, what was the name of the son of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton?
A) Malia
B) Chelsea
C) Barron
D) Sasha
  • 10. Bill Clinton was the second president in U.S. history to be impeached. Who was the first?
A) Jimmy Carter
B) Andrew Johnson
C) George W. Bush
D) Richard Nixon
  • 11. In 2001, Bill Clinton was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by which U.S. President?
A) Donald Trump
B) George W. Bush
C) Barack Obama
D) Ronald Reagan
  • 12. During Bill Clinton's presidency, the United States participated in a military intervention in which African country in 1993?
A) Mozambique
B) Sudan
C) Rwanda
D) Somalia
  • 13. Bill Clinton appointed which U.S. Supreme Court Justices during his tenure as President?
A) Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
B) Neil Gorsuch and Elena Kagan
C) Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer
D) John Roberts and Sonia Sotomayor
  • 14. Which major piece of legislation did Bill Clinton sign in 1996 reforming welfare in the United States?
A) Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
B) Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
C) No Child Left Behind Act
D) Americans with Disabilities Act
  • 15. What was Bill Clinton's birth name before he legally changed it?
A) William Arthur Nelson III
B) William Jefferson Blythe III
C) William Henry Gates III
D) William Wallace Scott III
  • 16. Bill Clinton's second term as President began in which year?
A) 1997
B) 1995
C) 1998
D) 1996
  • 17. Which Middle Eastern country signed a peace agreement with Israel during Bill Clinton's presidency in 1994?
A) Lebanon
B) Syria
C) Egypt
D) Jordan
  • 18. Bill Clinton studied at which university for his undergraduate degree?
A) Harvard University
B) Stanford University
C) Yale University
D) Georgetown University
  • 19. During Bill Clinton's presidency, which country was accused of conducting a nuclear test in 1998?
A) India
B) Pakistan
C) Iran
D) North Korea
  • 20. Which U.S. military operation authorized by Bill Clinton in 1998 targeted Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan but narrowly missed him?
A) Operation Infinite Reach
B) Operation Enduring Freedom
C) Operation Desert Storm
D) Operation Neptune Spear
  • 21. Bill Clinton appointed which economist as the Chair of the Federal Reserve in 1996?
A) Janet Yellen
B) Ben Bernanke
C) Jerome Powell
D) Alan Greenspan
  • 22. During Bill Clinton's presidency, which African country faced a severe genocide in 1994 that the U.S. did not intervene in?
A) Zimbabwe
B) Somalia
C) Rwanda
D) Sudan
  • 23. Which foreign leader did Bill Clinton sign the Oslo Accords with in 1993 for peace in the Middle East?
A) Benjamin Netanyahu
B) Bashar al-Assad
C) Yasser Arafat
D) King Hussein of Jordan
  • 24. In which year did Bill Clinton win a second term as President of the United States?
A) 1996
B) 1992
C) 2004
D) 2000
  • 25. Bill Clinton was the first President born after which war?
A) Vietnam War
B) World War II
C) Civil War
D) World War I
  • 26. Who was Bill Clinton's opponent in the 1996 presidential election?
A) George H.W. Bush
B) Ross Perot
C) John McCain
D) Bob Dole
  • 27. Which landmark trade agreement did Bill Clinton sign during his presidency?
A) European Union-United States Trade Agreement (TTIP)
B) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
C) World Trade Organization (WTO)
D) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • 28. Which international conflict was a significant challenge to the Clinton Administration in the 1990s?
A) Korean War
B) Vietnam War
C) Gulf War
D) Bosnian War
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