  • 1. Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century. It is based on the idea that history is a continuous struggle between classes, specifically between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat). According to Marxism, this class conflict is at the core of all societal problems. The ultimate goal of Marxism is to create a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively, eliminating social inequality and exploitation. Marxism also emphasizes the importance of revolution as a means of achieving social change, with the eventual establishment of a communist society where all individuals are equal and have their needs met. Critics of Marxism argue that it is impractical and leads to authoritarianism, while supporters view it as a necessary tool for challenging and transforming oppressive systems.

    Who was the founding father of Marxism?
A) Vladimir Lenin
B) Karl Marx
C) Leon Trotsky
D) Friedrich Engels
  • 2. Which book did Karl Marx co-write with Friedrich Engels?
A) Das Kapital
B) The Communist Manifesto
C) Animal Farm
D) 1984
  • 3. What economic system does Marxism critique?
A) Capitalism
B) Communism
C) Feudalism
D) Socialism
  • 4. What is the term for the social class that owns the means of production in Marxism?
A) Proletariat
B) Intellectuals
C) Peasantry
D) Bourgeoisie
  • 5. What is the ultimate goal of Marxism?
A) Monopoly control
B) Military superiority
C) A classless society
D) World domination
  • 6. Who led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which brought Marxism to power?
A) Mikhail Gorbachev
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Vladimir Lenin
D) Leon Trotsky
  • 7. What is the term for the working class in Marxism?
A) Bourgeoisie
B) Proletariat
C) Lumpenproletariat
D) Aristocracy
  • 8. What is the term for the exploitation of the working class by the ruling class according to Marxism?
A) Trade deficit
B) Budget surplus
C) Income inequality
D) Surplus value
  • 9. Who was the leader of China's Communist Party during the Cultural Revolution?
A) Xi Jinping
B) Mao Zedong
C) Chiang Kai-shek
D) Deng Xiaoping
  • 10. What is the term for the process of increasing the economic power and influence of a country or business beyond its borders?
A) Colonialism
B) Globalization
C) Imperialism
D) Nationalism
  • 11. Who was a prominent Marxist revolutionary in Latin America, leading the Cuban Revolution?
A) Evo Morales
B) Fidel Castro
C) Che Guevara
D) Hugo Chávez
  • 12. In Marxism, what is the term used to describe government control of the economy and means of production?
A) Central planning
B) Market economy
C) Laissez-faire
D) Free enterprise
  • 13. Which philosopher greatly influenced Marx's ideas on historical materialism?
A) Kant
B) Descartes
C) Nietzsche
D) Hegel
  • 14. Which economic concept in Marxism refers to the workers' lack of ownership over the products of their labor?
A) Alienation
B) Exploitation
C) Profit motive
D) Surplus value
  • 15. Which revolution in 1917 led to the establishment of a socialist government in Russia?
A) October Revolution
B) French Revolution
C) Industrial Revolution
D) American Revolution
  • 16. What is the term for the process of workers selling their labor for a wage in capitalism?
A) Homesteading
B) Self-employment
C) Entrepreneurship
D) Wage labor
  • 17. What does Marxism critique about capitalism?
A) Class harmony
B) Equal distribution of wealth
C) Exploitation of the working class
D) Lack of private property
  • 18. Which economic system does Marxism advocate for?
A) Feudalism
B) Communism
C) Capitalism
D) Socialism
  • 19. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and ____?
A) Mao Zedong
B) Friedrich Engels
C) Josef Stalin
D) Vladimir Lenin
  • 20. What is the name of the book where Marx laid out his economic theory?
A) Das Kapital
B) The Road to Serfdom
C) The Wealth of Nations
D) Atlas Shrugged
  • 21. Which term describes the process of workers coming to identify with the interests of capitalists rather than their own class interests?
A) Revolutionary spirit
B) Class solidarity
C) Alienation
D) False consciousness
  • 22. What did Marx describe as the 'opiate of the masses'?
A) Education
B) Social media
C) Religion
D) Entertainment
  • 23. According to Marxism, what leads to the eventual downfall of capitalism?
A) Technological advancements
B) Global trade agreements
C) External military conquest
D) Internal contradictions and class struggle
  • 24. Which term refers to the theory of historical development in Marxism?
A) Determinism
B) Historical materialism
C) Existentialism
D) Relativism
  • 25. What term is used in Marxism to describe the surplus value extracted from labor?
A) Wage
B) Rent
C) Interest
D) Profit
  • 26. Which term describes the transition from feudalism to capitalism according to Marxist theory?
A) Primitive accumulation
B) Feudal disintegration
C) Market expansion
D) Class emergence
  • 27. Which branch of Marxism focuses on the cultural aspects of society?
A) Cultural Marxism
B) Revolutionary Marxism
C) Political Marxism
D) Economic Marxism
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