Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • 1. Who is the author of 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'?
A) Suzanne Collins
B) George R.R. Martin
C) J.K. Rowling
D) Stephen King
  • 2. What is the name of the house-elf at Hogwarts who serves the Malfoy family?
A) Dobby
B) Winky
C) Hokey
D) Kreacher
  • 3. What is the name of the ghost who haunts the girls' bathroom at Hogwarts?
A) Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore
B) Fat Friar
C) Moaning Myrtle
D) Nearly Headless Nick
  • 4. Which Hogwarts professor teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts in Chamber of Secrets?
A) Dolores Umbridge
B) Remus Lupin
C) Severus Snape
D) Gilderoy Lockhart
  • 5. What is the name of the spell to open locked doors?
A) Expelliarmus
B) Wingardium Leviosa
C) Alohomora
D) Lumos
  • 6. How do Harry and Ron get to Hogwarts since they can't take the Hogwarts Express?
A) Riding on Buckbeak
B) Using the Floo Network
C) Flying Mr. Weasley's car
D) Apparating
  • 7. Who is the head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts?
A) Minerva McGonagall
B) Severus Snape
C) Dolores Umbridge
D) Horace Slughorn
  • 8. Who is framed for releasing the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets?
A) Hagrid
B) Tom Riddle
C) Professor Lockhart
D) Colin Creevey
  • 9. Who gets Petrified by looking at the Basilisk through a Nearly Headless Nick ghost party invitation?
A) Justin Finch-Fletchley
B) Colin Creevey
C) Hermione Granger
D) Nearly Headless Nick
  • 10. What creature lives in the Chamber of Secrets?
A) Phoenix
B) Niffler
C) Hippogriff
D) Basilisk
  • 11. What creature serves as the mascot for Gryffindor House?
A) Snake
B) Eagle
C) Badger
D) Lion
  • 12. Who is revealed to be a Parselmouth in 'Chamber of Secrets'?
A) Draco Malfoy
B) Ron Weasley
C) Harry Potter
D) Hermione Granger
  • 13. Who is revealed to be Ginny Weasley's secret diary writer?
A) Lucius Malfoy
B) Tom Riddle
C) Millicent Bulstrode
D) Salazar Slytherin
  • 14. Who helps Harry in his battle against the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets?
A) Buckbeak
B) Norbert
C) Fawkes
D) Dobby
  • 15. What potion enables Ron and Harry to transform into Crabbe and Goyle?
A) Amortentia
B) Polyjuice Potion
C) Veritaserum
D) Felix Felicis
  • 16. What type of creature is Aragog in the Forbidden Forest?
A) Erumpent
B) Thestral
C) Hippogriff
D) Acromantula
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