Emil Fischer
  • 1. Who is Emil Fischer?
A) A painter
B) A chemist
C) An architect
D) A musician
  • 2. When was Emil Fischer born?
A) 1900
B) 1820
C) 1875
D) 1852
  • 3. Which country was Emil Fischer from?
A) Germany
B) France
C) England
D) Italy
  • 4. What field of chemistry was Emil Fischer known for?
A) Analytical chemistry
B) Organic chemistry
C) Physical chemistry
D) Biochemistry
  • 5. Which Nobel Prize did Emil Fischer win?
A) Chemistry
B) Peace
C) Literature
D) Physics
  • 6. Which university did Emil Fischer teach at?
A) University of Berlin
B) Sorbonne University
C) University of Oxford
D) Harvard University
  • 7. What is the name of the reaction involving the synthesis of peptides that was developed by Emil Fischer?
A) Hofmann degradation
B) Fischer esterification
C) Grignard reaction
D) Wittig reaction
  • 8. In what year did Emil Fischer die?
A) 1935
B) 1950
C) 1885
D) 1919
  • 9. Which field of biology did Emil Fischer make significant contributions to?
A) Botany
B) Zoology
C) Genetics
D) Biochemistry
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