Computational linguistics
  • 1. Computational linguistics is an interdisciplinary field that combines linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence to analyze, model, and process natural language data. It focuses on developing algorithms and models to understand and generate human language using computers. Computational linguists work on various tasks such as natural language processing, machine translation, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and information retrieval. By studying the underlying structures and patterns of language, computational linguistics helps improve communication between humans and machines, enabling applications such as language understanding, chatbots, and automated translation services.

    Which of the following is a common application of computational linguistics?
A) Graphic design
B) Machine translation
C) Civil engineering
D) Chemical analysis
  • 2. What is syntactic parsing in computational linguistics?
A) Detecting emotions in text
B) Studying the historical development of languages
C) Analyzing the grammatical structure of a sentence
D) Creating new languages from scratch
  • 3. What is meant by the term 'NLP' in computational linguistics?
A) Numeric Language Processing
B) New Language Patterns
C) Neural Linguistic Programming
D) Natural Language Processing
  • 4. What is disambiguation in computational linguistics?
A) Resolving the meaning of a word with multiple possible interpretations in context
B) Encrypting text for security purposes
C) Creating ambiguous language constructs
D) Transliterating text between different scripts
  • 5. What is a corpus in computational linguistics?
A) A musical composition
B) A financial transaction record
C) A type of data encryption
D) A collection of text for linguistic analysis
  • 6. What is an example of a commonly used parser in computational linguistics?
A) Microsoft Excel
B) Adobe Photoshop
C) Google Chrome
D) Stanford Parser
  • 7. What is syntax in the context of computational linguistics?
A) The rules for combining words into grammatically correct sentences
B) The study of ancient languages
C) The analysis of regional dialects
D) The process of identifying word meanings
  • 8. What is lemmatization in computational linguistics?
A) Reducing words to their base or root form
B) Concatenating multiple words into one
C) Expanding contractions
D) Adding suffixes to words
  • 9. What is the significance of named entity recognition in computational linguistics?
A) Generating fictional character names
B) Helps in extracting valuable information from text
C) Identifying incorrect grammar usage
D) Classifying animals based on their names
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