Hidden Gems of Romanian History
  • 1. Romania is home to numerous hidden gems reflecting its rich and diverse history. From the ancient Dacian fortresses scattered across the countryside to the medieval castles such as the stunning Corvin Castle in Hunedoara, each site reveals fascinating tales of conquests, struggles, and triumphs. The painted monasteries of Bucovina showcase intricate frescoes and religious art dating back centuries, while the historic villages of Maramures offer a glimpse into traditional rural life. Discovering these hidden gems of Romanian history unveils a deeper appreciation for the country's cultural heritage and the resilience of its people throughout the ages.

    Which historical figure is known for unifying the three Romanian principalities in 1859?
A) Vlad the Impaler
B) Stephen III of Moldavia
C) Alexandru Ioan Cuza
D) Mihai the Brave
  • 2. Which ancient Dacian fortress is considered a UNESCO World Heritage site and is located in the Orăștie Mountains of Romania?
A) Rasnov Citadel
B) Rupea Citadel
C) Sarmizegetusa Regia
D) Enisala Citadel
  • 3. In what year did Romania officially become a kingdom?
A) 1900
B) 1877
C) 1925
D) 1881
  • 4. Which Romanian prince played a key role in the events leading up to the Treaty of Berlin in 1878?
A) Carol I
B) Michael the Brave
C) Cuza Vodă
D) Mircea the Elder
  • 5. What city was the capital of Romania before Bucharest?
A) Timișoara
B) Cluj-Napoca
C) Brasov
D) Iași
  • 6. What mountain range forms a natural border between Romania and Serbia?
A) Carpathian Mountains
B) Retezat Mountains
C) Apuseni Mountains
D) Făgăraș Mountains
  • 7. What archaeological site in Romania is famous for the exceptional preservation of its mosaics and Roman ruins?
A) Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
B) Adamclisi
C) Histria
D) Capidava
  • 8. Which Romanian king abdicated the throne in 1947 and went into exile?
A) Ferdinand I
B) Carol II
C) Michael I
D) Carol I
  • 9. What is the name of the famous Romanian sculptor known for his masterpiece 'Endless Column'?
A) Dimitrie Paciurea
B) Mihai Onofrei
C) Constantin Brâncuși
D) Ion Jalea
  • 10. What was the name of the secret police force in Communist Romania known for its brutal tactics?
B) Gestapo
C) Securitate
  • 11. Which historical figure of Romanian origin was the founder of modern cybernetics?
A) Emil Racoviţă
B) Stefan Odobleja
C) Dimitrie Pompeiu
D) George Emil Palade
  • 12. Who was the ruler of Wallachia known as 'The Impaler'?
A) Iuliu Maniu
B) Mihai Eminescu
C) Vlad the Impaler
D) Nicolae Ceaușescu
  • 13. In what year did Romania gain independence from the Ottoman Empire?
A) 1945
B) 1918
C) 1877
D) 1821
  • 14. Which medieval ruler of Moldavia is known for building the famous Painted Monasteries?
A) Radu the Fair
B) Mircea the Elder
C) Stephen the Great
D) Mihai Viteazu
  • 15. What famous poet wrote the verses of the Romanian national anthem 'Deșteaptă-te, române!'?
A) Andrei Mureșanu
B) Lucian Blaga
C) Miron Costin
D) Ion Creangă
  • 16. To which historical region does the fortified church of Biertan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, belong?
A) Bukovina
B) Dobruja
C) Oltenia
D) Transylvania
  • 17. In which year did Romania become a member of the European Union?
A) 2007
B) 1989
C) 2010
D) 1995
  • 18. Which architect designed the impressive Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, one of the largest administrative buildings in the world?
A) Anca Petrescu
B) I.M. Pei
C) Constantin Brâncuși
D) Ion Mincu
  • 19. In which city did the 1919 Paris Peace Conference recognize the union of Transylvania with Romania?
A) Timișoara
B) Cluj-Napoca
C) Alba Iulia
D) Sibiu
  • 20. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person to be awarded two Nobel Prizes?
A) Queen Marie of Romania
B) Mother Teresa
C) Marie Curie
D) Simone de Beauvoir
  • 21. What is the name of the region in Romania known for its picturesque painted monasteries, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
A) Maramureș
B) Oltenia
C) Bucovina
D) Dobruja
  • 22. Which Romanian scientist was the co-discoverer of insulin and went on to receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?
A) Henri Coandă
B) Stefan Odobleja
C) George Emil Palade
D) Nicolae Paulescu
  • 23. Which Romanian composer is known for the operas 'Oedipe' and 'Salome'?
A) Ciprian Porumbescu
B) Maria Tanase
C) George Enescu
D) Dinu Lipatti
  • 24. What is the name of the historic region in Romania known for its wooden churches, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
A) Maramureș
B) Dobruja
C) Oltenia
D) Bucovina
  • 25. What is the name of the ancient fortified church in Transylvania that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
A) Sighisoara
B) Sibiu
C) Brasov
D) Biertan
  • 26. What is the name of the Romanian castle often associated with the legend of Count Dracula?
A) Corvin Castle
B) Hunyad Castle
C) Peles Castle
D) Bran Castle
  • 27. Who was the Romanian poet known for his verses inspired by folklore, nature, and rural life?
A) Mihai Eminescu
B) Tudor Arghezi
C) Ion Barbu
D) Lucian Blaga
  • 28. What is the name of the salt mine in Turda that has been transformed into an underground amusement park and museum?
A) Slanic Prahova Salt Mine
B) Praid Salt Mine
C) Targu Ocna Salt Mine
D) Salina Turda
  • 29. Who was the Romanian film director known for his work on the Palme d'Or-winning film '4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days'?
A) Cristian Mungiu
B) Cristi Puiu
C) Radu Jude
D) Cristian Nemescu
  • 30. In which Romanian city can you find the largest administrative building in the world, the Palace of Parliament?
A) Ploiesti
B) Craiova
C) Bucharest
D) Oradea
  • 31. Which Romanian folklorist is renowned for collecting and preserving Romanian folk tales and legends?
A) Elena Vacarescu
B) Petre Ispirescu
C) Emil Cioran
D) Vasile Alecsandri
  • 32. What is the name of the ancient Roman province that included present-day Romania?
A) Noricum
B) Dacia
C) Pannonia
D) Thracia
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