American Revolution Lexington+Concord
  • 1. When did the battles of Lexington and Concord take place?
A) January 1, 1750
B) July 4, 1776
C) May 10, 1781
D) April 19, 1775
  • 2. Who warned the colonial militia of the approaching British troops?
A) Paul Revere
B) Samuel Adams
C) John Hancock
D) Benedict Arnold
  • 3. Who said, 'The shot heard round the world' was fired during the battles of Lexington and Concord?
A) John Adams
B) Thomas Jefferson
C) Benjamin Franklin
D) Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 4. Which colonial militia became known as the 'Minutemen'?
A) Pennsylvania Militia
B) Virginia Militia
C) New York Militia
D) Massachusetts Militia
  • 5. What was another term used to describe the battles of Lexington and Concord?
A) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
B) The Boston Tea Party
C) The Midnight Ride
D) The French Revolution
  • 6. Which British general was wounded during the battles of Lexington and Concord?
A) Hugh Percy
B) Thomas Gage
C) Charles Cornwallis
D) John Burgoyne
  • 7. Who fired the 'shot heard 'round the world'?
A) Paul Revere
B) Samuel Adams
C) Unknown
D) John Hancock
  • 8. Where did the American Revolution officially begin?
A) Boston
B) New York
C) Lexington and Concord
D) Philadelphia
  • 9. What nickname was given to the group of colonial militia who were ready to fight at a moment's notice?
A) Tories
B) Minutemen
C) Redcoats
D) Loyalists
  • 10. Which country provided indirect support to the American Revolutionaries following the battles of Lexington and Concord?
A) Scotland
B) Russia
C) France
D) Germany
  • 11. Who wrote the famous poem 'Paul Revere's Ride' that immortalized the actions of Paul Revere?
A) Nathaniel Hawthorne
B) Edgar Allan Poe
C) Ralph Waldo Emerson
D) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • 12. Which American colonist was killed in the fighting at Lexington?
A) Jonas Parker
B) John Hancock
C) Samuel Adams
D) Paul Revere
  • 13. How many lanterns were hung in the Old North Church to signal the route of the British troops?
A) Two
B) Four
C) Three
D) One
  • 14. Who was the commander of the colonial militia at Lexington and Concord?
A) Samuel Adams
B) John Hancock
C) Paul Revere
D) John Parker
  • 15. Which famous silversmith joined Paul Revere on his midnight ride to warn the colonists?
A) William Dawes
B) Thomas Paine
C) John Adams
D) Benedict Arnold
  • 16. Who commanded the American troops during the Battle of Bunker Hill that followed the battles of Lexington and Concord?
A) William Prescott
B) John Adams
C) George Washington
D) Benjamin Franklin
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