The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas
  • 1. According to Jonas, what is a key characteristic of Gnostic thought?
A) Monism of existence
B) Materialistic determinism
C) Existential nihilism
D) Dualism between spirit and matter
  • 2. What does Hans Jonas identify as a primary source of Gnostic texts?
A) Vatican archives
B) Dead Sea Scrolls
C) Nag Hammadi library
D) The Apocrypha
  • 3. What concept does Jonas attribute significant importance to in Gnostic belief?
A) Dogma
B) Knowledge (gnosis)
C) Ritual
D) Faith
  • 4. Which text is often cited as an example of Gnostic literature?
A) The Qur'an
B) The Book of Genesis
C) The Gospel of Thomas
D) The Tao Te Ching
  • 5. How do Gnostics generally view salvation?
A) As ritualistic practice
B) As an awakening to gnosis
C) As adherence to law
D) As faith in God's grace
  • 6. Which philosopher's ideas influenced Jonas's interpretation of Gnosticism?
A) Karl Marx
B) Martin Heidegger
C) Plato
D) Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 7. Which aspect of existence do Gnostics seek to transcend?
A) The intellectual realm
B) The material realm
C) The social realm
D) The emotional realm
  • 8. What does Hans Jonas imply is necessary for understanding Gnosticism?
A) Interpretation of myth and symbol
B) Historical texts only
C) Empirical evidence
D) Rational analysis alone
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