Salvador Dalí (Spanish artist)
  • 1. When did Salvador Dalí pass away?
A) 1970
B) 1989
C) 2000
D) 1920
  • 2. In which Spanish town did Salvador Dalí die?
A) Valencia
B) Barcelona
C) Figueres
D) Madrid
  • 3. Where was Salvador Dalí born?
A) New York, USA
B) Figueres, Spain
C) Berlin, Germany
D) Paris, France
  • 4. Which surrealist artist was a close friend of Salvador Dalí?
A) Georgia O'Keeffe
B) Luis Buñuel
C) Frida Kahlo
D) Pablo Picasso
  • 5. What was the title of Salvador Dalí's autobiography?
A) The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí
B) Surreal Imaginations
C) Dreams of a Genius
D) The Artistic Mind
  • 6. What was the name of Salvador Dalí's wife?
A) Leonora
B) Alice
C) Gala
D) Frida
  • 7. In what year was Salvador Dalí born?
A) 1920
B) 1945
C) 1904
D) 1935
  • 8. Which of Dalí's paintings features melting clocks?
A) The Persistence of Memory
B) The Elephants
C) The Sacrament of the Last Supper
D) The Robing of the Bride
  • 9. Which artistic movement was Salvador Dalí associated with?
A) Cubism
B) Surrealism
C) Impressionism
D) Realism
  • 10. Dalí's famous mustache was inspired by whom?
A) Pablo Picasso
B) Diego Velázquez
C) Vincent van Gogh
D) Frida Kahlo
  • 11. Dalí designed the iconic logo for which popular lollipop brand?
A) Tootsie Pop
B) Chupa Chups
C) Dum Dums
D) Jolly Rancher
  • 12. What type of art was Dalí known for in addition to painting?
A) Photography
B) Pottery
C) Sculpture
D) Printmaking
  • 13. Which Surrealist artist co-founded the Surrealist movement along with Salvador Dalí?
A) André Breton
B) Max Ernst
C) René Magritte
D) Joan Miró
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