Family and Marriage
  • 1. Family and marriage are fundamental aspects of human society, serving as the building blocks for strong and stable communities. Families provide love, support, and guidance, shaping individuals into responsible members of society. Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, built on mutual respect, trust, and shared values. It represents a commitment to journey through life together, facing challenges and celebrating milestones side by side. The family unit is a source of strength and comfort, where individuals find solace and belonging. As the foundation of society, strong families and marriages are crucial for the well-being and prosperity of communities.

    What is a legal union between two people called?
A) Friendship
B) Partnership
C) Engagement
D) Marriage
  • 2. Which term refers to a group of people linked by blood, adoption, or marriage?
A) Community
B) Cohort
C) Family
D) Tribe
  • 3. In a nuclear family, who typically resides together?
A) Extended relatives
B) Friends
C) Parents and children
D) Siblings only
  • 4. What is the process of becoming a parent through non-biological means called?
A) Surrogacy
B) Fostering
C) Adoption
D) Conception
  • 5. What term refers to the legal ending of a marriage?
A) Dissolution
B) Separation
C) Divorce
D) Annulment
  • 6. What is the term for a marriage where one partner is a citizen of a country different from the other?
A) Intrafamily marriage
B) International marriage
C) Interracial marriage
D) Interfaith marriage
  • 7. Which form of marriage involves multiple partners simultaneously?
A) Monogamy
B) Polygamy
C) Polyandry
D) Polyamory
  • 8. What is the term for a family unit comprising a couple and their dependent children?
A) Blended family
B) Nuclear family
C) Single-parent family
D) Extended family
  • 9. Which type of family consists of relatives beyond the nuclear family?
A) Childless family
B) Extended family
C) Single-parent family
D) Nuclear family
  • 10. What term refers to ending a romantic relationship without marrying?
A) Separation
B) Annulment
C) Breakup
D) Divorce
  • 11. In which form of marriage is a woman allowed to have more than one husband?
A) Polygyny
B) Monogamy
C) Polyandry
D) Polyamory
  • 12. What is the process of carrying a child for another couple through pregnancy called?
A) Surrogacy
B) Donation
C) Adoption
D) Fostering
  • 13. Which term refers to the legal recognition of a same-sex relationship as a marriage?
A) Same-sex marriage
B) Civil union
C) Domestic partnership
D) Civil partnership
  • 14. In which system of descent is heritage and inheritance traced through the mother's side of the family?
A) Matrilineal
B) Polyandrous
C) Bilateral
D) Patrilineal
  • 15. A marriage that has been contracted without the formality of a legal ceremony is known as a ______ marriage.
A) Plural
B) Interfaith
C) Common-law
D) Monogamous
  • 16. The practice of marrying outside one's own social group or category is known as?
A) Endogamy
B) Cohabitation
C) Exogamy
D) Polyandry
  • 17. What is considered the most common form of marriage in Western societies?
A) Monogamy
B) Cohabitation
C) Plural marriage
D) Polygamy
  • 18. What is the term for the practice of marrying within one's own social group or category?
A) Cohabitation
B) Polygamy
C) Exogamy
D) Endogamy
  • 19. In which system of descent is heritage and inheritance traced through the father's side of the family?
A) Bilateral
B) Polygynous
C) Patrilineal
D) Matrilineal
  • 20. The custom of living together and having a sexual relationship without being married is known as?
A) Monogamy
B) Civil union
C) Cohabitation
D) Polygamy
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