- 1. Alfred Binet is best known for his work in which field?
A) Biology B) Physics C) Psychology D) Chemistry
- 2. When was Alfred Binet born?
A) 1901 B) 1870 C) 1925 D) 1857
- 3. In what country was Alfred Binet born?
A) Germany B) Russia C) France D) United States
- 4. Alfred Binet's intelligence test was originally designed to identify children who needed what kind of assistance?
A) Physical therapy B) Gifted education C) Special education D) Mental health services
- 5. In what year did Alfred Binet pass away?
A) 1911 B) 1960 C) 1930 D) 1945
- 6. Which term did Alfred Binet introduce to describe the level of intelligence in his test?
A) Emotional quotient B) IQ level C) Cognitive ability D) Mental age
- 7. In what year was the first version of the Binet-Simon Scale published?
A) 1940 B) 1920 C) 1905 D) 1960
- 8. Alfred Binet's work on intelligence led to the development of what popular concept in psychology?