The Crucible - Act II Quiz
  • 1. Act II opens eight days after the girls have named the first "witches."
A) True
B) False
  • 2. Act II takes place at John Proctor's home in the country.
A) False
B) True
  • 3. Mary Warren has become an official of the court in Salem.
A) False
B) True
  • 4. In the opening, the reader can tell John Proctor is pleased with the flavoring of the rabbit that Elizabeth has cooked.
A) False
B) True
  • 5. Proctor says that it is "winter in here yet." He is referring to the temperature in the room.
A) False
B) True
  • 6. Sarah Good will be hung for witchery.
A) True
B) False
  • 7. Sarah Osburn will also be hung for witchery.
A) False
B) True
  • 8. Elizabeth tells Proctor that fourteen people have been jailed and that the court has the power to hang them if they are found guilty.
A) True
B) False
  • 9. Elizabeth does not urge John to tell Ezekiel Cheever that Abigail has admitted that the accusations of witchcraft are false.
A) False
B) True
  • 10. Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a small doll.
A) False
B) True
  • 11. Mary Warren reveals that John Proctor's name has been mentioned in the court proceedings in reference to witchcraft.
A) False
B) True
  • 12. Elizabeth is worried that Abby wants to get rid of her so Abby can marry John.
A) True
B) False
  • 13. The only reason Reverend Hale visits the Proctor's home is to talk to them about going to church.
A) False
B) True
  • 14. Elizabeth must remind Proctor of the commandment about keeping holy the Sabbath day.
A) True
B) False
  • 15. Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey are arrested for being witches.
A) True
B) False
  • 16. Elizabeth Proctor is charged with the attempted murder of Abigail.
A) True
B) False
  • 17. The evidence that Ezekiel Cheever takes from the house is the stew Elizabeth made.
A) False
B) True
  • 18. Elizabeth is shackled and hauled off to jail.
A) False
B) True
  • 19. Mary Warren can not tell the court what she knows will set Elizabeth Proctor free because Mary is afraid the other girls will hurt her.
A) True
B) False
  • 20. Mary and the other girls know that John Proctor has had a relationship with Abigail
A) True
B) False
  • 21. The tense sentences with dominate the opening conversations between Proctor and Elizabeth (Miller 47-49) create a sense of
A) affection
B) indignation
C) delight
D) uneasiness
  • 22. The allusion in Elizabeth's speech which begins "The deputy Governor promise hangin" (Miller 50) serves to
A) undermine the seriousness of the proceedings.
B) reveal Elizabeth's contempt for the court.
C) indicate Abigail's power
D) show the gullibility of the town's people.
  • 23. Why does Elizabeth Proctor think John does not want to go to Salem and tell what information Abigail revealed to him about the night in the forest (Miller 50-51)?
A) She believes that upon Abigail's request, Tituba put a spell on John.
B) She believes that John does not want to get Abigail in trouble.
C) She believes that John wants to protect his sons' reputations
D) She believes that John is part of the witchcraft.
  • 24. The phrase "'I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you...'" (Miller 52) indicates that Proctor has
A) refused to acknowledge his transgressions.
B) tried to do nothing to upset Elizabeth.
C) considered the issue of his infidelity resolved.
D) been trying to avoid Elizabeth.
  • 25. Proctor compares his house to a court (Miller 52) in order to
A) explain his distrust of the proceedings in town.
B) establish his position as head of the household.
C) point out Elizabeth's accusatory manner.
D) express his devotion to Elizabeth.
  • 26. What does Mary Warren say in court when Elizabeth is accused of being a witch (Miller 57).
A) Mary says that she saw Elizabeth make a doll that resembles Abigail.
B) Mary says that Elizabeth treats Mary horribly and often whips her for no reason at all.
C) Mary says that she has never seen Elizabeth send her spirit out to hurt anyone.
D) Mary says that Elizabeth reads strange books at night.
  • 27. What is Reverend Hale's reason for visiting the Proctors?
A) Hale wants to question the "'...Christian character of this house....'"
B) Hales wants to remove all the "incubi and succubi" from their home.
C) Hale comes to inquire about Abigail.
D) Hale wants to inform them Elizabeth is suspected of being a witch.
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