Time Travel
  • 1. Who developed the concept of time travel in fiction?
A) Jules Verne
B) Arthur C. Clarke
C) Isaac Asimov
D) H.G. Wells
  • 2. What is the famous vehicle used for time travel in the "Back to the Future" movies?
A) DeLorean
B) Mustang
C) Corvette
D) Tesla Roadster
  • 3. Which physicist is known for proposing the concept of time dilation in special relativity?
A) Erwin Schrödinger
B) Niels Bohr
C) Albert Einstein
D) Stephen Hawking
  • 4. What is the name of the paradox in time travel where an event influences its own occurrence?
A) Butterfly Effect
B) Grandfather Paradox
C) Bootstrap Paradox
D) Predestination Paradox
  • 5. In the TV show "Doctor Who", what is the Doctor's time-traveling spacecraft known as?
A) Warpship
B) Star Cruiser
D) Time Cruiser
  • 6. Which landmark science fiction novel features a time machine that allows the protagonist to travel through time?
A) The Time Machine
B) Time Tunnels
C) Temporal Vortex
D) Chrono Capsule
  • 7. What is the term used to describe the ability to travel backward and forward in time?
A) Chronomotion
B) Temporal Shift
C) Time Hopping
D) Chronoportation
  • 8. Which scientist is associated with the concept of a "closed timelike curve" in the context of time travel?
A) Carl Sagan
B) Richard Feynman
C) Kip Thorne
D) Max Planck
  • 9. What limitation is often cited as a challenge for time travel into the past?
A) String Theory
B) Grandfather Paradox
C) Higgs Boson
D) Quantum Entanglement
  • 10. Which classic novel by Mark Twain involves time travel to King Arthur's era?
A) Slaughterhouse-Five
B) Time Traveler's Wife
C) Time After Time
D) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • 11. Which influential physicist proposed that time is just a fourth dimension like space?
A) Hermann Minkowski
B) Werner Heisenberg
C) Niels Bohr
D) Enrico Fermi
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