Treaty of Ciudad Juárez
  • 1. When was the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez signed?
A) 1911
B) 1945
C) 1865
D) 1821
  • 2. Where was the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez signed?
A) France
B) Mexico
C) United States
D) Spain
  • 3. Who were the two main figures involved in negotiating the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez?
A) Benito Juárez and Maximilian I
B) Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa
C) Miguel Hidalgo and Vicente Guerrero
D) Francisco Madero and Porfirio Díaz
  • 4. What was the main purpose of the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez?
A) To start a trade agreement with the United States
B) To end the Mexican Revolution
C) To declare independence from Spain
D) To establish a new constitution
  • 5. Which country played a mediating role in the negotiations for the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez?
A) France
B) Germany
C) Russia
D) United States
  • 6. What did Porfirio Díaz agree to under the terms of the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez?
A) Resign from the presidency
B) Establish a dictatorship
C) Declare war against the United States
D) Exile Francisco Madero
  • 7. Who succeeded Porfirio Díaz as president following the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez?
A) Emiliano Zapata
B) Pancho Villa
C) Victoriano Huerta
D) Francisco Madero
  • 8. Who was the interim president of Mexico between the fall of Porfirio Díaz and the election of Francisco Madero?
A) Pascual Orozco
B) Francisco León de la Barra
C) Pancho Villa
D) Emiliano Zapata
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