Chad Religion
  • 1. Religion in Chad is diverse and plays a significant role in the lives of its people. Islam is the predominant religion in the country, with the majority of Chadians identifying as Sunni Muslims. Christianity is also practiced, primarily by the southern populations, with Roman Catholicism and Protestantism being the main denominations. Traditional indigenous beliefs and practices also persist in many communities, blending with and influencing the more organized religions. The coexistence of these various religious traditions contributes to the rich cultural tapestry of Chad, providing a sense of identity and belonging for its people.

    What is the predominant religion in Chad?
A) Hinduism
B) Buddhism
C) Islam
D) Christianity
  • 2. Chad has a large population of Muslims belonging to which Islamic sect?
A) Sunni
B) Sufi
C) Ahmadiyya
D) Shia
  • 3. In Chad, where are most Islamic mosques located?
A) Desert regions
B) Jungle areas
C) Urban areas
D) Mountain regions
  • 4. Which language is commonly used for Islamic religious services in Chad?
A) Arabic
B) French
C) Chadian Arabic
D) English
  • 5. During which Islamic month is fasting observed in Chad?
A) Dhu al-Hijjah
B) Ramadan
C) Muharram
D) Shawwal
  • 6. What is the religious significance of Hajj for Muslims in Chad?
A) Pilgrimage to Mecca
B) Fasting
C) Prayer
D) Charity
  • 7. What is the term for the Islamic call to prayer in Chad?
A) Namaz
B) Amen
C) Adhan
D) Salaat
  • 8. Which meal marks the end of daily fasting during Ramadan in Chad?
A) Asr
B) Suhoor
C) Iftar
D) Dhuhr
  • 9. Who is considered the last prophet in Islam in Chad?
A) Moses
B) Buddha
C) Jesus
D) Muhammad
  • 10. What is the name of the month preceding Ramadan in Chad?
A) Dhu al-Qi'dah
B) Shawwal
C) Sha'ban
D) Rajab
  • 11. How is Islamic charity given in Chad called?
A) Zakat
B) Fitrah
C) Sadaqah
D) Qurbani
  • 12. Who is considered the mother of believers in Islam in Chad?
A) Aisha
B) Khadija
C) Fatimah
D) Mary
  • 13. What is the substance consumed to break the fast during Ramadan in Chad?
A) Bread
B) Milk
C) Water
D) Dates
  • 14. What is the term for the Islamic ritual ablution before prayers in Chad?
A) Wudu
B) Tayammum
C) Ghusl
D) Istinja
  • 15. What is the religious term for the declaration of faith in Islam?
A) Amen
B) Shahada
C) Hallelujah
D) Om
  • 16. What is the Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan?
A) Christmas
B) Easter
C) Eid al-Fitr
D) Diwali
  • 17. In Islam, what is the term for the pilgrimage to Mecca that is required of financially and physically capable Muslims?
A) Hajj
B) Umrah
C) Biyah
D) Ziyarat
  • 18. What is the Islamic term for the lawful, permissible, or allowed actions?
A) Haram
B) Makruh
C) Halal
D) Mubah
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