Richard Feynman
  • 1. What field of study was Richard Feynman known for?
A) History
B) Biology
C) Psychology
D) Physics
  • 2. In what year was Richard Feynman born?
A) 1918
B) 1923
C) 1905
D) 1940
  • 3. Which prestigious award did Richard Feynman win in 1965?
A) Academy Award for Best Picture
B) Grammy Award for Best Album
C) Nobel Prize in Physics
D) Pulitzer Prize for Literature
  • 4. What was the name of the government panel Feynman served on to investigate the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster?
A) Feynman Committee
B) Rogers Commission
C) Space Shuttle Investigative Board
D) Challenger Task Force
  • 5. What was Richard Feynman's middle name?
A) Christopher
B) Phillips
C) Alexander
D) Michael
  • 6. Which branch of the U.S. military did Feynman work for during World War II?
A) U.S. Army
B) U.S. Navy
C) Manhattan Project
D) Marine Corps
  • 7. What is the name of the diagram technique Feynman introduced in quantum mechanics?
A) Feynman Diagrams
B) Particle Paths
C) Wave Functions
D) Quantum Circuits
  • 8. Feynman was known for his skill in playing which musical instrument?
A) Guitar
B) Bongo Drums
C) Piano
D) Violin
  • 9. In what year did Richard Feynman pass away?
A) 1995
B) 2000
C) 1988
D) 1975
  • 10. Which term did Feynman coin to describe the idea that all possible histories contribute to the quantum amplitude of a particle moving from one point to another?
A) Quantum superposition
B) Path integral formulation
C) Sum over histories
D) Parallel universes
  • 11. What is the title of Feynman's famous lecture about the scientific method?
A) Scientific Inquiry Masterclass
B) The Physics Paradigm
C) The Feynman Technique
D) Cargo Cult Science
  • 12. Which programming language did Feynman learn in the 1980s to work on artificial intelligence projects?
A) Lisp
B) C++
C) Java
D) Python
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