- 1. The Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 5 to 7, is one of the most significant teachings attributed to Jesus Christ, offering profound insights into morality, ethics, and spirituality. In this remarkable discourse, Jesus begins with the Beatitudes, a series of blessings that highlight the values of humility, mercy, righteousness, and peacemaking, illustrating that the Kingdom of Heaven is accessible to those who embody such characteristics. As He speaks, He expands upon the Law, addressing issues such as anger, lust, and honesty, encouraging His followers to seek reconciliation, purity of heart, and integrity in their commitments. Furthermore, Jesus emphasizes the importance of genuine worship and warns against hypocrisy, urging His disciples to practice their faith sincerely and privately rather than seeking public approval. He also provides practical guidance on various aspects of life, including prayer—teaching the Lord's Prayer as a model—and the need for trust in God’s provision. The Sermon culminates in calls to love one’s enemies and to treat others with the same respect and kindness one would desire for themselves, thereby laying a radical foundation for interpersonal relationships. Ultimately, Jesus concludes with the parable of the wise and foolish builders, urging His listeners to not only hear His words but to act upon them, likening those who do so to a wise man who builds his house on a solid rock, capable of withstanding life's storms. This sermon serves as a cornerstone for Christian ethical teachings and continues to resonate with the core principles of love, humility, and righteousness.
Which of the following is the first beatitude?
A) Blessed are those who mourn B) Blessed are the merciful C) Blessed are the meek D) Blessed are the poor in spirit
- 2. What does Jesus say about anger in the Sermon on the Mount?
A) It is justified in some cases B) It can lead to murder C) It is better than hatred D) It should be suppressed at all costs
- 3. Which prayer does Jesus teach to His disciples?
A) The Nicene Creed B) The Lord's Prayer C) The Hail Mary D) The Prayer of Jabez
- 4. What does Jesus say about storing treasures?
A) Invest in worldly possessions B) Store them in heaven, not on earth C) Only store physical treasures D) Treasure leads to sin
- 5. Which group does Jesus admonish for being hypocritical?
A) The publicans B) The Pharisees C) The Gentiles D) The Sadducees
- 6. What does Jesus teach about forgiveness?
A) Holding grudges is acceptable B) Only forgive if asked C) Forgive others to be forgiven D) Forgiveness is optional
- 7. What metaphor does Jesus use to describe false prophets?
A) Bears in the woods B) Snakes in the grass C) Wolves in sheep's clothing D) Foxes in henhouses
- 8. What does Jesus say about worry?
A) Worry is a sin B) Do not worry about tomorrow C) Worry is beneficial D) Worry shows love
- 9. Which virtue is highlighted in the Beatitudes?
A) Wealth B) Anger C) Meekness D) Pride
- 10. What does Jesus teach about anxiety?
A) Trust God for provision B) Work hard to avoid it C) Anxiety is a sign of weakness D) Ignore it completely
- 11. What action does Jesus say is akin to committing adultery?
A) Cheating in relationships B) Divorcing without cause C) Looking at someone with lust D) Being unfaithful in marriage
- 12. What does Jesus say about the law in the Sermon on the Mount?
A) He came to fulfill it B) It is no longer necessary C) He came to abolish it D) It is outdated
- 13. What does Jesus say is the greatest commandment?
A) Honor your parents B) Keep the Sabbath C) Love God with all your heart D) Do not steal
- 14. What does Jesus promise to those who mourn?
A) They will be shamed B) They will be punished C) They will be ignored D) They will be comforted
- 15. What is the significance of 'The Golden Rule'?
A) Treat others as you want to be treated B) Look out for yourself first C) Disregard others' feelings D) Expect others to treat you well
- 16. According to the Sermon on the Mount, what should you do if someone slaps you?
A) Turn the other cheek. B) Fight back. C) Seek revenge. D) Leave the situation.