Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • 1. What was Alfred Lord Tennyson's full name?
A) Alfred Smith
B) Alfred Williams
C) Alfred Tennyson
D) Alfred Johnson
  • 2. Where was Alfred Lord Tennyson born?
A) France
B) Germany
C) England
D) United States
  • 3. When did Alfred Lord Tennyson live?
A) 1900-1950
B) 1700-1750
C) 1600-1650
D) 1809-1892
  • 4. Which of the following works was written by Alfred Lord Tennyson?
A) Dracula
B) Pride and Prejudice
C) The Charge of the Light Brigade
D) Moby Dick
  • 5. Alfred Lord Tennyson was appointed Poet Laureate during the reign of which monarch?
A) King Henry VIII
B) Queen Elizabeth I
C) Queen Victoria
D) King George III
  • 6. Which title of nobility was conferred upon Alfred Lord Tennyson?
A) Duke
B) Earl
C) Viscount
D) Baron
  • 7. Alfred Lord Tennyson was associated with which poetic movement?
A) Beat
B) Victorian
C) Modernist
D) Romantic
  • 8. What literary honor did Alfred Lord Tennyson receive in 1850?
A) Nobel Prize for Literature
B) Man Booker Prize
C) Poet Laureate
D) Pulitzer Prize
  • 9. Alfred Lord Tennyson often used what type of verse in his poems?
A) Rhyming couplets
B) Haiku
C) Free verse
D) Blank verse
  • 10. Which event inspired Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem 'Charge of the Light Brigade'?
A) The French Revolution
B) The American Civil War
C) The Battle of Balaclava
D) The Glorious Revolution
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