  • 1. Able to spot gaps, unmet needs, or problems
    in the market.
A) Creating Innovative Solutions
B) Pursuing Opportunities
C) Identify Opportunities
D) Creating Value
  • 2. Aims to create value for various stakeholders,
    including customers who benefit from innovative
    products, employees who find fulfilling work, and
    investors who see returns on their investments.
A) Creating Value
B) Identify Opportunities
C) Creating Innovative Solutions
D) Pursuing Opportunities
  • 3. Don't just replicate existing solutions; they
    strive to develop novel and creative approaches
    that address the identified challenges.
A) Creating Innovative Solutions
B) Identify Opportunities
C) Pursuing Opportunities
D) Creating Value
  • 4. Taking calculated risks and committing
    resources to turn ideas into reality.
A) Creating Innovative Solutions
B) Identify Opportunities
C) Creating Value
D) Pursuing Opportunities
  • 5. Entrepreneurship is filled with challenges and
    setbacks. Resilience allows entrepreneurs to
    bounce back from failures, learn from mistakes,
    and continue pursuing their goals despite
A) Risk-taking
B) Adaptability
C) Resilience
D) Creativity
  • 6. Entrepreneurs possess the ability to generate
    new and original ideas. They think outside the box
    and approach problems from different angles,
    leading to innovative solutions.
A) Risk-taking
B) Creativity
C) Resilience
D) Adaptability
  • 7. Entrepreneurs are willing to take calculated
    risks, understanding that failure is a potential
    outcome but also an opportunity for growth.
A) Creativity
B) Risk-taking
C) Resilience
D) Adaptability
  • 8. The business landscape is constantly
    changing. Entrepreneurs must be adaptable,
    adjusting their strategies and tactics as
    circumstances evolve to stay relevant and
A) Adaptability
B) Creativity
C) Risk-taking
D) Resilience
  • 9. Entrepreneurs are driven to
A) Self-confident
B) Ability to Communicate
C) Drive
D) Innovative
  • 10. Entrepreneurs are good at
    thinking outside the box.
A) Thinking Ability
B) Reasonable Risk Taker
C) Drive
D) Goal Setter
  • 11. Entrepreneurs are good at
    networking and building
A) Drive
B) Human Relations Ability
C) Accountable
D) Innovative
  • 12. Entrepreneurs are good at
    communicating their ideas.
A) Thinking Ability
B) Ability to Communicate
C) Technical Knowledge
D) Self-confident
  • 13. Entrepreneurs need to have a
    good understanding of the
    industry they are in.
A) Technical Knowledge
B) Goal Setter
C) Accountable
D) Thinking Ability
  • 14. Entrepreneurs know that there
    is always a risk of failure, but
    they are confident in their
    ability to succeed.
A) Accountable
B) Innovative
C) Reasonable Risk Taker
D) Thinking Ability
  • 15. Entrepreneurs are confident in
    their abilities.
A) Ability to Communicate
B) Thinking Ability
C) Self-confident
D) Reasonable Risk Taker
  • 16. Entrepreneurs are good at setting
    goals and achieving them.
A) Accountable
B) Goal Setter
C) Thinking Ability
D) Self-confident
  • 17. Entrepreneurs are accountable
    for their actions.
A) Human Relations Ability
B) Accountable
C) Technical Knowledge
D) Drive
  • 18. Entrepreneurs are innovative.
A) Reasonable Risk Taker
B) Drive
C) Thinking Ability
D) Innovative
  • 19. Common way to collect data
    from a large number of
A) Interviews
B) Focus Group
C) Online Research
D) Surveys
  • 20. It is a type of secondary
    research that involves
    searching for information on
    the internet
A) Focus Group
B) Interviews
C) Surveys
D) Online Research
  • 21. It is a way to collect in-depth
    data from a smaller number
    of people.
A) Surveys
B) Focus Group
C) Online Research
D) Interviews
  • 22. It is a way to collect data
    from a small group of people
    who are brought together to
    discuss a topic.
A) Online Research
B) Focus Group
C) Interviews
D) Surveys
  • 23. It helps businesses gain a
    comprehensive understanding of the
    industry they operate
A) Risk Management
B) Industry Understanding
C) Competition Assessment
D) Competition Assessment
  • 24. Analyzing competitors' strengths,
    weaknesses, strategies, and market
    positioning, businesses can identify
    competitive advantages and potential
    gaps to exploit.
A) Industry Understanding
B) Competition Assessment
C) Strategic Planning
D) Demand Estimation
  • 25. Market analysis enables
    businesses to measure the potential
    demand for their products or
    services by studying consumer
    behavior, preferences, and buying
A) Demand Estimation
B) Strategic Planning
C) Risk Management
D) Industry Understanding
  • 26. Helps identify potential risks and
    threats that could impact the
    business, allowing proactive
    measures to be taken to mitigate
    these risks.
A) Competition Assessment
B) Industry Understanding
C) Strategic Planning
D) Risk Management
  • 27. Businesses can develop effective
    strategies based on the insights gained
    from market analysis.
A) Competition Assessment
B) Strategic Planning
C) Risk Management
D) Industry Understanding
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