Kurt Vonnegut
  • 1. What is Kurt Vonnegut's most famous novel?
A) Player Piano
B) Breakfast of Champions
C) Cat's Cradle
D) Slaughterhouse-Five
  • 2. Which war influenced much of Vonnegut's writing?
A) World War II
B) Vietnam War
C) Gulf War
D) Korean War
  • 3. In which city was Kurt Vonnegut born?
A) Los Angeles
B) New York City
C) Indianapolis
D) Chicago
  • 4. What is the name of Vonnegut's famous alter ego character?
A) Holden Caulfield
B) Kilgore Trout
C) Rabbit Angstrom
D) Billy Pilgrim
  • 5. What 1961 novel by Vonnegut was based on his experience as a POW in World War II?
A) God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
B) Slaughterhouse-Five
C) Mother Night
D) Player Piano
  • 6. What kind of literature is Kurt Vonnegut known for writing?
A) Fantasy
B) Romance
C) Mystery
D) Satire
  • 7. What year was Kurt Vonnegut's first novel, 'Player Piano' published?
A) 1952
B) 1969
C) 1937
D) 1984
  • 8. Which science fiction element prominently features in Vonnegut's novel 'Cat's Cradle'?
A) Ice-Nine
B) Aliens
C) Teleportation
D) Time Travel
  • 9. What is the name of the alien race in Vonnegut's novel 'Breakfast of Champions'?
A) Tralfamadorians
B) Martians
C) Eloi
D) Vogons
  • 10. Which character in 'Cat's Cradle' creates a doomsday device called 'Ice-Nine'?
A) Kurt Vonnegut
B) Felix Hoenikker
C) Billy Pilgrim
D) Kilgore Trout
  • 11. In 'Player Piano', what role does the main character, Dr. Paul Proteus, hold?
A) Musician
B) Politician
C) Engineer
D) Writer
  • 12. What is the title of Vonnegut's book that discusses his struggles with depression and suicide of his relatives?
A) A Man Without a Country
B) Bluebeard
C) Timequake
D) Slapstick, or Lonesome No More!
  • 13. In 'Breakfast of Champions', what does the character Kilgore Trout write?
A) Romance novels
B) Cookbooks
C) Historical biographies
D) Science fiction
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