Battle of Gettysburg
  • 1. When did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
A) June 30-July 1, 1864
B) July 1-3, 1863
C) April 9, 1865
D) September 17, 1862
  • 2. Which two armies fought in the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) Union and British
B) Union and Confederate
C) British and Confederate
D) Union and French
  • 3. Who was the Confederate general in command at Gettysburg?
A) Jubal Early
B) Stonewall Jackson
C) Robert E. Lee
D) James Longstreet
  • 4. Which was the turning point of the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) Antietam
B) Bunker Hill
C) Pickett's Charge
D) First Day's Battle
  • 5. Who gave the famous speech at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery?
A) Abraham Lincoln
B) Jefferson Davis
C) Alexander Stephens
D) Andrew Johnson
  • 6. In which year did the Battle of Gettysburg end?
A) 1861
B) 1863
C) 1864
D) 1862
  • 7. Which Union corps was commanded by General Winfield Scott Hancock during the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) IX Corps
B) V Corps
C) II Corps
D) XI Corps
  • 8. Who was the Confederate general known for strongly opposing Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg?
A) A. P. Hill
B) John Bell Hood
C) Jubal Early
D) James Longstreet
  • 9. Who was the cavalry commander for the Confederate forces at Gettysburg?
A) J.E.B. Stuart
B) John Singleton Mosby
C) George Armstrong Custer
D) Nathan Bedford Forrest
  • 10. Who was the highest-ranking casualty from either side at the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) J.E.B. Stuart
B) A.P. Hill
C) George Meade
D) John F. Reynolds
  • 11. Which Union general had made the decision to position troops on Cemetery Ridge before the battle?
A) Winfield Scott Hancock
B) John Buford
C) George G. Meade
D) Oliver O. Howard
  • 12. What was the name of the Union general who served as Chief of Staff to George G. Meade at the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) Daniel Butterfield
B) John Gibbon
C) Abner Doubleday
D) George Sykes
  • 13. Which Union general played a key role on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg by defending Little Round Top?
A) George G. Meade
B) Winfield Scott Hancock
C) Abner Doubleday
D) Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
  • 14. Which river did General Lee and the Confederate army cross into Pennsylvania before the Battle of Gettysburg?
A) Ohio River
B) Mississippi River
C) Potomac River
D) James River
  • 15. Which Confederate general was mortally wounded during Pickett's Charge?
A) Richard Ewell
B) George Pickett
C) Lewis Armistead
D) James Longstreet
  • 16. Which famous Confederate general did not participate in the Battle of Gettysburg due to illness?
A) Stonewall Jackson
B) James Longstreet
C) George Pickett
D) Jeb Stuart
  • 17. Where is the Gettysburg National Military Park located?
A) New York
B) Maryland
C) Virginia
D) Pennsylvania
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